Hey All, thanks for the warm welcome. I'm 46 Mum of 5 gorgeous boys and have dieted and over eaten most of my adult life. I had a gastric band which didn't work 4.5yrs ago and I have just qualified as an LD nurse x
Jax,no wonder you have cheesy grin going lol. Yes i noticed the reprimand, will have to watch our P & Q's.
Mummy melling, i am same as you re food, i have always been overweight, except when dieted with C.D. a ferw years ago, lost 5 stone, but due to family illness came off it without doing it gradually, so here we go again lol.
Well that's Wii fit out and set up. As I stood on the balance board my old weight of 10st 2 came up for the date 29.3.11 "oh my". Needless to say I had to confirm my new weight and watch my little slim Wii figure bulge to massive status
So I had a couple of goes on favourites. OMG! Better sort myself out quick haha no balance no co - ordination. Clyde was not impressed and neither was I.
Mummy can't call you that do you want to tell us your name. Congrats on your LD nursing qual. I've just left Nhs at end of March.
I was aware that we where observed but I only wanted to put Emma on straight and narrow.
Just had to have a few mouthfuls of roast chicken ( no skin) as I was feeling quite sick n dizzy, despite drinking loads and having all three meal replacements, I think being sooo heavy I need to ease myself into it for risk of failure x
Why don't you ease yourself into it. Try the 2 shakes and a light meal then go to the 3-4 shakes like me. Let your body get used to the shakes first. You have a growing family so it is going to be hard not to eat. I had a chance to get into it before hubby came home. Last week was a bit awkward but I managed it. Now I get a decent run of a month before he is home next. That is unless he can get up one weekend.
I feel so much better for just having that chicken thigh ( no skin), obviously the protein takes longer to digest, will still plod on and see how I manage. We are camping for the weekend so I will prob just take a few extra shakes n soups incase I get desperate. I'm not on placement ATM so don't have access to urinalysis dips so not totally sure Zi will know when I'm in ketosis x
Sharon if you snack do have protein. Both Jeanette and me dnt do the dipsticks. Sure you can by them online.
As I just have 4 shakes and Jeanette has 2 and her "bar" we are within the quota.
I find it easier with water the Jeanette and can manage to guzzle the quota sometimes more. With 2 large decaf coffees and a few herbal teas also.
I'm sure you will get into it soon. It's just taking your mind of the process of eating knife and fork style.
If you feel the need to scream rant or rave remember we are here. Dnt let one slip control the rest of your day xxx
Sharron, if you are finding it hard on 3 shakes, have an extra one like Jax does, look how well she has done this last 2 weeks, or have a slimfast meal replacement bar like me, i find that nibbling on the bar with a cup of tea, makes me feel i have had a meal lol. Also i have a cup of bouillon at about 12.30 to 1pm then can have a shake a little bit later at about 2.30 or 3pm, and my bar at 7pm.
I am still finding it hard to drink more than 2 ltrs of water, so as Jax says, if its not broke don't fix it lol
Jax, am coping well today, all i have done is rush upstairs to the toilet, . Don't need a Wii fit lol.
If you lose at least 2lb next week you will have lost a stone!!! Tom won't know you when he returns
Tom phoned to tell me he is going to Hereford tonight so he is nearer to you Jeanette than me! Ha ha
I'm not sure bout chicken bovril have a look at the carbs on the box Sharon.
Jeanette I thought next week might be a lower one that's why I am changing/stepping up few changes. So to try and tone. I know you have your own wee fit regime going to the loo
Well time for bed ladies. Here's to another day and good one for all xx
done my 2nd day weigh in and lost 2.2 lbs since yesterday making a total of 5.2 lbs in 2 days 13 stone 10 dead
still showing negative on ketosis sticks. oh and i brought mine on ebay.
will log in later for a chat x just a quick update for you
If i were you Sharon, i would have a look at the Cambridge diet page, as they are the same diet as us, just they have more variety, soups and porridge, instead of only shakes and a bar. same calories so it would practically be same thing i think?
I don't think you would be allowed a bovril.
Jax, you will have to watch, i will have to go to Hereford for a day trip lol
Well did my Gp trip. He is happy with weight loss but still did my bp and bloods...vampired! And did agree that riding my bike and walking is best exercise for my leg. But still no running not that I could anyway.
Jeanette if you see a 6ft bald dimpled 1/2 tanned bloke who talks like ray winstone that's Tom. Ha ha x
Me and Clyde have done an hour being sun bunnies in the garden and now it's overcast so back to work doing the weeding then a mooch round the park as it is forecast for the wet stuff .. Again
I dnt know much bout the meal plans Sharon as havnt got that far but when I do it will be steak fish chicken with greenery.
Nice to have u back Emma that's a good loss keep it up. X
Hi Jax, lovely weather here as well, and going to be nice till at least Tuesday. Look on the bright side, less blood more weight lost Ha ha Bought some ketostix today in boots, £4.86!!!!!!!! when do you use them, in the morning?
Hi Jeanette yes weather resumed back to sunshine after the park walk. So resumed back to reading after weeding and hoeing. It is here til Tuesday . . . Allegedly
Doc also said there was no infection in my throat just looked bit red but gave me an emergency script for antibiotics incase it gets worse over weekend. Prone to real bad tonsillitis ever since a kid. At it can flare up within few hours normally
I think ketostix are to be used afternoon or early evening prior to food. Dnt waste a dip in the morning as most people's bodies are in mild ketosis after several hours of no food. You should be looking for salmon pink anything darker and your dehydrated and not taking in enough fluid.