Anyone want a slimming buddy?

woohoooo go u and ur great achievement of ur top fitting, thats brill :)

am also having a green day today,

breakfast - 28 g fruit and fibre (hex b ) milk 150ml (hex a ) raspberries

snack - pear

Lunch - mugshot, melon, low fat yoghurt

and have some more melon and 2 x ryvita and a cheese tri incase am hungry later

how is everyone elses day going? am trying to not have any syns today really want to get my next shiny sticker :)
Bugger the size 14 top. I bought a size 12 denim skirt today!!!!!!! It's tight across the stomach bum & hips but i got it on and fastened and could wear it if I wanted to:D.

having an ok week but it is so cold I want to curl up in a ball. no exercise at all this week and havent stopped eating but it has been on plan,

How are you 2 getting on this week?
Its going ok, today I used 14 syns, on porridge, snack a jacks and egg fried rice! But yesterday I was completly fine, so I'm not minding the rice too much as is was within my syns!

Wow! That's amazing kerry you should be so proud of yourself!

Im trying not to have too many syns, not doing great but better than normal...mon 1 syn, tues 11 syns, wed 1 syn, thurs 14 syns so not too bad! Or am I just trying to not feel guilty for the chinese?!?!
hiya I was ok and on plan until tonight

my friend made me home made pasties, they had veg roll and bread crumbs and I had a round of brown bread with it, although I didnt have any healthy extras left :( I then ate two mary land cookies, so I have went well over my syns today, dont know what is the matter with me I just want to stuff my face, hopefully tomorro will be better

woooooohooooooooooooooooo Go u SIZE 12, Thats deserves a celebration... congratulations to u
Ok this might dound daft. Dobyou think its because of the cold that we are all dtuffing ourselves stupid? I've heard a few people say this.

Both of you should cut back on syns for the rest of the week if you are worried although it sounds like you have loads of syns Hannah. Take It the rice wasnt home made?
Lol no definately wasnt!! Fav chinese rice!

However i weighed myself again this morning (i must stop this!!!) and it said 10 stone 11.5 wooohooo!! so im hoping if im back on track as of today (not that i technically went off track) i could keep up the good loss!!!

Yeah i think it is because its cold!! Theres nothing nicer than snuggling up in the evening with something hot! And i find alot of hot things high syns lol

Youll get back on track Sue!! Maybe you need to buy yourself an incentive...something that you can almost fit into but not quite?? Thats what ive done with my dress, it fits but is a little snug over hips so im hoping ill lose the weight from there!! Lol! And Kerry is nearly into her skirt :D so i think you need something you nearly fit into then it wont be long until you fit it which will make you stuuuupidly happy!!! :D

yea I agree I think it is the weather and my home life is a bit stressful this week, so hopefully it will all calm down over the weekend

I havent been as bad today - breakfast - fruit and fibre 28g (hex b ) raspberries and milk (hex a )

snack - melon and water

lunch - 3 x baby boil potatoes and beans

snack - pear and melon (to eat through the afternoon)

dinner will be turkey(hex b) curry(2 syns) with rice, pepper, onion, mushrooms

am not going to eat any more syns today, am just going to snack on free foods, andf then am going to go to supermarket later and get more super speed fruit and try and snack on it all weekend.. hopefully will increase my chances of a loss

yea that is a good idea thanks hannah, I seen a dress in miss s, it was a 14 I got in on and it looked ok just maybe a bit tight round the chest and would look better if I lost a couple of more pounds, so thats my aim to get it and wear it on xmas day so hopefully I can, would be a great feeling to get a size 14 dress from miss selfridges and it to look ok on

anyone any nice plans for over the weekend ?
Ooh that sounds good aiming for christmas day!!

Your meal plan looks good! I just ate my jacket potato with tuna and beans and feel sick lol still havent learnt to stop eating when im full...not sure i ever really feel full except at an all you can eat buffet or on a huuuge binge...thats not good lol

Everythings going well today though and i hope it continue to go well for you two!!

Havent really got any solid plans for weekend, hopefully a meet up with a friend and do some 'trying on nice clothes but not actually buying them' shopping!!! :) you?
that sounds like a nice day tho and u never no u might pick up a bargain,...

my weekend plans are to do nothing, my other half dad is in hospital at the min so just be checking on him and then sitting about watching tv the rest of the time, we really need to rest have been looking after him before now and havent gotten any sleep all week, so hopefully things will get settled over the weekend and he will be home soon right as rain

well at least the weather has picked up a bit, no rain here today and it isnt that cold either

has anyone tried the bacthlers - pasta in a cup

I got 3 for £1 in sains but havent tried them yet :)
My lemon sole was disgusting! Hopefully the plaice will be abit better! I hope! I literally couldn't eat it!
Aww Hannah that's a shame. How did u cook it? I love lemon sole but it is so expensive.

Sue, i liked them better than the mugshots but didnt really enjoy either of them. I just picked the pasta out + left the rest.

I'm on my way to drop the monster with my parents for the weekend. Was hoping to see the new harry potter tonight but just had yet another fight with oh so doubt that will happen. Tomorrow im working. I start a new nanny job in January so im looking after the wee one for most of t someonehe day. Great get rid of my own child for the day just to spend it looking after someone else's child.

Hope you both have a great weekend
It was £1.82 for a fillet from morrisons, I grilled it, but probs for too long... Just found it watery, it had loads of bones and not much meat.... Maybe I just did it wrong?! Lol

Lol at least you're not looking after them both! And its always easier looking after someone elses kid as they don't answer back and play up as much!
hannah u should try putting it in tin foil in the oven, and then even puttin a spice or something over it to give it more flavour

I like mugshots and pasta cup things, tried them yesterday, they were ok, alright for a quick snack, aye I only pick the pasta or noodles out and then just leave the rest

thats fab about the job kerry, and hannah is right at least they cant answer u back,

does anyone watch x factor, am getting bored of it but will still more than likely watch it later lol

I had more home made soup for my dinner last then, still felt hungry so had 2 boiled eggs and some ryvita after that...

today has been good aswell, had fruit and fibre, with loads of strawberries and raspberries topped with a low fat yoghurt was so tasty and filling

am just popping to shops now to get more frozen veg seems to go so quick but it the best cheapest option for me to always have it in, am also goin to get more soup veg yum yum just love home made soup on a winters day :)

hope everyone is having a good weekend x
Lol. No, she cant answer back as she is only 11 months just now. Just not looking forward to giving up nearly the whole of my only free day but I need the cash.

Hannah I second the tinfoil with a bit of lemonjuice. Tell them it is for a baby + u need all the bones removed. That's what I do.

Im about to go completely off plan + have applecrumble + custard. yum!
I have gone 100% off plan, had pizza, mince pies, southern fried chicken, pringles... Yes you heard right I messed up...oooo and munchies.....grrrrrrrr
lol dont worry ladies we have all went off plan, I had chocolate digestives, crisps and some chips with my dinner - (not s.w chips lol)

dont worry we can all get back on track the mara, I blame the weather lol

kerry thats a good idea about asking for the bones taken out cause u have a child, must try that one

hope we can all get back on track the mara x
WI:+ 1lb

Very p'd off as apart from the crumble yesterday ive been on plan all week. Yes ive eaten like a pig but you can eat as much as you like. Not happy at all