Anyone want a slimming buddy?

Indulge him in santa! Santa is great!

I'm not sure whether to stick it out until I get to target so I get it free or to just think screw it I can save money. I find the actual class pointless so dont think its overly worth it, we don't share recipes, don't talk about what was good or bad, or talk about new syn values, or anything like that....

What are you both planning to do over christmas with regards to food?
I have already planned my xmas day eating lol.It will be an Ee day but I will be flexi syning that day though.

Xmas lunch will be turkey & ham/gammon with sw roasties, mash, peas, gravy (2 syns) and sausagemeat stuffing (going to use the 0.5 syn susages from morrisons to make it so not too high in syns) & cranberry sauce (made using sweetner instead of sugar, no booze). Recon a maximum of 5 syns for whole meal.
Will then make my own trifle using sugarfree/ lowfat ingredients so another 5 syns maybe.

Will then give myself maybe another 30 syns for booze and/or goodies.

We normally have dinner not lunch. My other half is a miserable sod and doesnt like xmas hence the no santa statment. Would normally do a huge cooked breakfast then maybe soup at lunchtime followed by an early dinner about 5 then stuff ourselves silly in front of the tv for the rest of the evening. Im hoping to keep the whole day under control but luckily for me xmas day is a saturday & I WI on a sunday. I intend to WI a day early, really enjoy xmas day then be ultra good for the rest of the week. Well, thats the plan;).

If it were me, Hannah, I wouldnt go back to the class. It would be different if you were getting something from the class but it sounds like you are paying £5 every week just to get weighed?! Must be a tough choice when you are close to target though.
Yeah, although to be honest I haven't been for 4 weeks or so! So think I've pretty much already made up my mind.... This website is so good I couldn't live without it now! And it contributes to my weight loss 100% more than sw class does! Especially you guys!

That sounds like a good plan for xmas! Ignore the old fart! I'm trying to make the bf enjoy christmas more this year as its our first one living together! (I'm going to sound insane but our tree is up already). I need to explain this now lol otherwise I'm going to sound real weird!

We were looking for our first tree and brought one from the pound shop for £11, put it up to see what it was like and it was terrible! So went to look for another one, got a much more expensive one and I tried to put it up, this task took me 2 hours and was soo stressful! By the end of it and after I had taken the other one down I couldn't be bothered to take the it down so its stayed up. Just to be clear lol I wouldn't usually put a tree up this early.

Just about to write up my fishy week menu!
That made me laugh. We bought a tree a few years ago for £7 in a sale. It was bought in January and put away and forgotten about. December comes round and I get a phonecall from hubby while im at work saying he has put the tree up but there is a problem. It is too big. Thinking to myself thats not possible I forget about it til I got home. OMG!!! The tree is so big(wide) that it sits almost in the middle of the room and there is no space for us to pass between the tree and the coffee table:eek:. I ended up removing half the tree and pushing it up against the wall where ,while it is still big , we can walk around the room. We now have half a xmas tree every year. I should go and get another but once the lights and decorations are on you cant actually tell it is only half a tree. My £7 tree is going to last a lifetime!

I hate how long it takes to put tree up and then take it down and it never fits back in the box:mad:. My old boss wraps black bags around her decorated tree and puts it in the attic so it takes 5 mins to set up and put away. Wish I had an attic.

Good luck with the menu plan
lol u guys make me laugh lol I love xmas I cant wait to get my tree up If i could put it up the mara I would lol but we have a date picked the 2nd friday in dec lol

my plan for xmas Is to enjoy xmas day, try not to over indulge to much but also not worry to much and enjoy myself, lol, am going to my mums for dinner and she knows to fill my plate up with lots of veg, am planning to hopefully be back on track on boxing day with maybe some syns lol, but try and eat speed foods the days before and after, am also going away over new years eve so it will be a bad few weeks but am still going to go to class no matter what :)

hannah if I was u i wouldnt go back, if u can do it from home go for it, I just feel for me I still have a good bit to go and would be afraid of never getting there plus i have made some friends in class thats helps me motivated

the only thing that annoys me about class is my leader still doesnt no my name even tho I have been there for like a year and half and go and stay to class everyweek, and I know she has alot of ppl but she has learnt a few ppl names and I think it just because they have lost pretty quick but i find it very demotivating lol

I must find ur food dairy hannah and have a look at ur fish week maybe get some ideas lol

hope everyone is having a good night

good luck for tomorrow hannah :)

so how is everyone today?

my day has been going good so far

breakfast 28g fruit and fibre (hex b ) 150ml milk (hex a) raspberries

snack - melon,grapes and orange

lunch - chicken salad and ryvita with a cheese triangle. low fat yoghurt

snacks - apple and orange

I have also walked up and down 5 flights of stairs twice today instead of taking the lift and am going to the gym after work, I just feel totally motivated today so hopefully the scales will show a loss

hannah how did ur weigh in go today?

what is everyone planning for dinner, am having fish and steamed veg, yum yum I cant wait :)

Have I noticed you have lowered your target weight lol

Your menu is looking good! Im eating curried carrot soup currently! Breakfast was nice, muller light with mixed berries! Im hoping this soup lasts until friday!!

My weigh in isnt until 7.30 so we will soon see. My bf is going to do my weigh in's for me at home, and at the same time were going to take my measurements!

Ive got smoked cod and veg for dinner! What fish have you got Sue?

Well done for being motivated! What do you do at the gym?
at the gym I just do the treadmill and things and also some light weights

yea I lowered my target decided to try and go for 9stone 10lb instead of 10 stone lol will see what happens

I tried taking measurements but they didnt seem to get any smaller so dunno if we were doing it wrong lol

oh ur soup sounds lovely, how did u make it

u really dont have that much more to lose u will get there in no time
I finally went to the gym again today, 1000 calories done on the cross trainer! Wish I could be fit enough to do the treadmill, want to try to do interval training! Am going to start with the weights again when I reach 10 stone 10!

Weigh in: +1/2 lb

Soup is very simple! 4 carrots, onion, cumin, coriander, garlic granules, mild curry powder and any other spices that might go well, and plenty of salt and pepper!

I think that measurements are better taken every month rather than weekly as they change slower than weight (which is strange as the weight has to come from somewhere)!

What are your opinions on bmi?
my opinion of bmi is that it shouldnt be what ppl go by, I have a degree in food and nutrition and sometimes it just not worth listening to it

it depends on the muscle mass and look of a person I feel, its just a guideline like everything else and should not be taken so seriously lol what do u think

awk well 0.5lb on isnt that bad, u will get that off in no time

OMG 1000 cals how long did u do it for and at what level, am so amazed.. lol I done 20mins on it at level 6 nearly died and only burn like 160 ;lol clearly my machine wasnt working properly haha :)

that soup sounds yummy will deff have to try that

am dreading wii in tomorrow, I want to get my 2.5 stone award next week but that would mean losing 2lb this week and next and just dont think i have done enough grrrr :(

whats ur eating plans for tomorrow?
How did it go for you Sue?

0.5lbs not too bad Hannah, how is it going with the fishy week? with 1000cals at the gym you will have a great loss next week!

I think bmi is dangerous. I have a friend who had an operation earlier this year and was really ill afterwards. She eventually had to be fed through a nasal gastric tube for about 3 months and that seemed to just about maintain her weight if she wasnt sick. If she was she would lose weight. She looks bloody awful, gaunt skeletal ill unhealthy. According to her bmi she is a healthy weight and could lose up to another 9lbs. Not sure where they would come from. I was really worried about he for a bit but she is starting to gain a little weight and looking a bit healthier. When people commented she just kept saying "but my bmi...."

Well apart from the fact that Im eating for 3 or 4 people im having a good week. Am staying on plan but stuffing myself silly with fruit. Sounds great but I woke at 2am with awful pains in my stomach and the wind (from both ends) is horrendous:cry:. How do I overcome this? Sorry, that was too much info:D.

Had a lovely thai red chicken curry for dinner, with boiled rice onion and sugarsnap peas. Really enjoyed it. Having cravings for fish finger sandwich so will have to buy some tomorrow. Have started eating bread again (lack of planning for my 9.30am shop) and had a bacon & egg sandwich for lunch. Was heaven. Also had a huge bowl of lentil soup. No wonder im having tummy problems:rolleyes:
woooohoooooo I lost 2.5lb, am so pleased cant believe i got that much I never have big losses, hopefully get the other 1.5lb to get my 2.5 stone award now

u can eat for 3 or 4 ppl no prob just try and eat mostly free foods and u will be grand

well to celebrate my loss I just ate half a garlic bread and half a goodfellas frozen cheese pizza, tried to make it more healthy by putting mushrooms and peppers on it :) it was yummy, so thats me back on plan the mara want another good loss

anyone got any nice plans for the weekend
I hate bmi, I've danced all my life so I have very big muscles especially in my legs, and that contributed alot to my weight. When I was abit younger and I was told my bmi was high I wasn't particularly overweight but it actually made me spiral downwards or of control and I put on more! So bmi sucks!

Cross trainer for 1 hour 20 mins at level 14 going about 7kph! Its slow paced at higher level so technically burns more calories!

Sue, if you know you've been good them at least you know the amount you lose is the best you could have done?!

Fish week is going well but have had to have porridge for tea rather than the fish, but had tuna at lunch and will carry on fish week! Going well though, only reason plan changed tonight was that got given free cinema tickets and have only just got home! How are you both doing? How did your weigh in go?

I'm not sure about the wind Kerry as I've been having similar problems...hoping it will just sort itself out lol

Thats a horrible story, I hope your friend is okay!

Thai red curry sounds lush, recipe??
Woohoo go you sue! By the time I wrote that last essay you had replied lol

You must be so happy! :) this should give you the boost to keep up the good work! Well done!
:superwoman::happy096:WELL DONE SUE/ That is an amazing loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Fingers crossed for next week. Everytime you are tempted just think of how great you feel right now!

Yeah, im eating tonnes of superfree which is why my stomach is killing me:rolleyes:

Hannah, my friend is well on the road to recovery thank goodness.

Curry is simply chicken (or whatever) curry paste and coconut milk. Dry fry chicken and onion til brown add paste and fry for a few mins then add any other veg you want & coconut milk and simmer for 25-30mins til meat cooked. It is tuely gorgeous
am deffo goin to have to try that and the curry soup recipe both sound lovely

god hannah u must be fit, I hate the cross trainer lol

thanks guys, yea am deff going to remember how I feel now and go for it again this week,

lol I hate that I remember I ate to much pineapple and I thought I was going to pass out the pain was so bad lol, thats the thing about eating super free food can cause quite alot of painful wind lol just aswell are partners dont mind :)
So hows everyones day going so far?? Im about to eat some tuna, then got some soup in a bit too!

I had a sneaky peek at the scales alothough i know its only been a day and a half since weigh in but its looking good! Under 11 stone this morning!! Woohoo! Love morning weight lol

So what are you both aiming for this week for your weight loss? I really would like to be 10stone 12lbs and get a 3lb loss (however in a dream world id lose 5lbs and be 10stone 10 then lose 3lbs 2nd week and be 10stone 7 for the wedding!!)

Going to have whiting tonight and ive got to buy some more frozen veg!
well when I was at class last night the woman taking it (not my normal one) said that if u are on plan 6 days out of 7 then u cud lose anything up to 6lb she has seen it done before lol that would be my dream as well to get 6lb off that I would be 11 and half stone for getting measured for my bridemaid dress lol never going to happen

I would be realisticly happy with 1.5lb off that would at least give me my 2 and half stone award,

hannah if u keep up the exercise every few days and burn off 1000 cals, I would think u would have an amazing weight loss and espec with doing fish week aswell, ur doing so well :)

today has went ok for me although I just cant seem to get rid of my hunger but am trying to just eat free food and not have many syns

breakfast - fruit and fibre 28g (hex b ) milk (hex a )
Snacks - 2 x oranges, apple and grapes
Lunch - 3 x ryvita (hex b ) tuna and green pepper, Butter (1 syn) mayo (2 syns ), low fat activa yoghurt

Dinner is going to be chicken and frozen veg with some gravy (0.5 syns) yumyum I love it lol

lol ano I love morning weight wish it could be like that all the time lol

are u planning to stay on plan for the day of the wedding?

today has
Today is a very happy day. I am currently wearing the top I bought a few weeks ago that was too tight when I bought it:D. My goal for this week is to get under 180lbs. Only a 1lb loss but 180lbs is a major stumbling block for me. I would be delighted with another 1.5lbs off but we will see. A sneak peak gave me a STS. Oh well, at least my top fits.

Having a green day today and going to have mac cheese for dinner, really looking forward to it. Had porridge for breakfast noodles for lunch. Seem to have slowed down on stuffing my face thank goodness.

Hey, did I mention my top fits??????:D
Yay!! Your top fits! :D well done! Its so amazing when you get to milestones like that! Will write more in an hour or so!