Lauren you could be retaining fluid due to your binge day (sorry to put it that way but its classed
as that if you been on a diet) so try to minimise salt and sugar intake and increase duretic foods
a few for you
Asparagus contains asparigine - a chemical alkaloid that boosts kidney performance, thereby improving waste removal from the body.
Brussel Spouts help in stimulating the kidneys and pancreas. This helps in better cleansing of cells.
Beets are natural diuretic foods that attack floating body fats and fatty deposits.
Oats contain silica - a natural diuretic.
Cabbage is known to aid breakage of fatty deposits, especially around the abdominal region.
Carrots are a rich source of carotene that speeds the metabolic rate of the body and hastens removal of fat deposits and waste.
Lettuce aids better metabolism and flushing of toxins.
Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C that aid the metabolism and release of water from the kidney to flush out waste.
Other than the other excellent properties that Garlic possesses, it is a natural diuretic food that aids breakage of fat. Horseradish, raw onions and radish speed up your metabolism.
you could make an "internal shower soup" as my aunty calls it he he with all onions cabbage lettuce etc from the list! stay strong hun and go to the meeting! Just think if you dont lose you will have a super loss next week! and if you dont go... then in theory you wont get recognition from the loss you will have!
Try for the next few days to concentrate on the filling and healthy foods and stearing away from all processed stuff. I am sure It will come off x
Oh and drink lots of water... 2 - 4 litres a day! really does help! and apparently the colder the better as the body burns calories heating it up