April Check-in

19.5/20. I do hate the Easter holidays. Feel like I'm never out the kitchen making food for the kids!
Fab losses x
17/20 today!!!! Woo hoo! The filling power of a salad!
16/20 today. I'm determined to get more than a 0.5 lb loss on Tuesday.

I managed not to eat any of my daughter's cinema popcorn today!!!
Not bad day today. Finishing on 19/20 so pretty good going for a Saturday.

It's getting lonely here!
20/20 today. Quite hungry today.
2.5 lbs loss today. I'm very pleased with that.
Super losses x
Thanks Honey-J. I am very pleased and determined to keep going.
Another 1lb gone forever :):0clapper:
Hey there! I used to post on here all the time but it became soooo quiet and I went off on a bit of a healthy eating journey (not weight watchers). I am currently eating lovely healthy foods (green smoothies - yum, date balls, salads galore), but struggle with binge eating (good foods but still calories) and think I need to point to give me boundaries and to actually lose this weight. I'm currently at my heaviest and have been since summer. I go up and down the same 4 pounds and REALLY want to do something about it as we are actually going on holiday somewhere I will want to wear skimpy clothes!
Looking forward to getting to know peeps (if you're still here!?), I'm only on day 2 and could really do with the support!
Congrats on your losses and motivation so far danders :) I like the way you record your points too. I did a fairly tight 22/22 yesterday!
I'm still here but wasn't sure if anyone was reading anymore. I'm definitely in the 'zone' so hope we can keep each other company!

I've just bought an old points pedometer off eBay and am looking forward to receiving it and setting off! Bring on the activity points!
Can you give me the recipe for the date balls please?!
That's fab! I'm never sure whether to use activity points or not. I certainly lose quicker when I don't but they are great for that treat or emergency (I remember once running round and round the garden to work back points I'd gone over by :)). I've actually earned loads of points today - I did a body combat class and was due to do sh'bam (a nutty fun zumba type class) but it was cancelled so did body pump instead which turned ought to be lots of squats with weights - who knew? Sounds like a dance class! I'm not sure I'd do it again, I've been a bit like a zombie since. Hopefully tone those bat wings anyway. I wonder if I have a pedometer anywhere?
As for the date balls there are loads of recipes online, sometimes they call them energy balls. I just eyeball the ingredients but did point the mix once and it worked out at about a point per cherry tom sized ball - you'd probably need to keep point tally adding it all up for the first go. For me they all include oats (big handful), seeds (small handful), dates (about 12), a teaspoon of melted coconut oil, and maple syrup or honey. Extras could be desiccated coconut, nuts, vanilla essence, sultanas, cocoa powder etc. In a food processor whizz up the dry materials, then add all the other ingredients apart from the maple or honey and whizz again. Then with the processor running add the maple until it starts to clump. Roll it into cherry tom sized bites, if it's a bit sticky add a bit more oats, if crumbly it needs more maple (I give the mix a squeeze, it should compact together but not stick to your fingers). Divide the total points by the amount of balls you get out of the mix.
They are pretty much my fave snack at these mo.
Oh lovely, the various date ball combination all sound fabulous. I'll have a go at making them at some point but my current 1pt favourite snack are Alpen Light Bars. I'm still going through my greedy phase!!!!

I won't use my activity points, really just want to know, in theory, how many I can achieve!!! Sad I know!

Good day today but still hungry and only have 1 pt left.
Definitely worth a go! Be strong with your last point, perhaps have a drink of water to fill up?

I've done pretty well today food wise. I've had 18.5/22 - tea was broccoli and blue cheese soup (one of my faves, I've posted it on here somewhere), ryvita and lightest phil. 3.5 all in. Hubby made me a lovely pud too - fruit, Greek yog, a sprinkle of Dorset cereal and honey 3 points - yummy. I'm going to call it a day now and go and do my teeth.

Feeling very positive at the mo, better than I have in ages. Trying to mix healthy eating and pointing for boundaries seems to be working. Long may it last eh?!


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Yum, your dessert looks fabulous. And your soup sounds lovely. It sounds like you too are in the zone. I have been around the houses trying all different diets, but have come back to WW old points as it works, I know it well and for some reason it seems to work better for me than anything else.
I am in the zone - Go Day 2!! I know old WW really well too, I've done it for years. I've looked at loads of other options, but just can't be doing with learning something new - especially when I know this so well (point values for things just pop in my head!). The problem I've had for the last year is that I don't really want to diet at all, I've been doing it for over half my life. I just want to try to eat healthily and try to address my binge eating and triggers. Shame I hadn't already lost the weight before I felt like this :p . Anyway, it's taken me a while to get my head in the right place and accept that it's not going to come off if I don't actually 'diet'. And that binging on healthy food is still binging. Feeling good though - yay!

I'm on the computer now so can see all the stats too, you're doing great, 9lbs in 5 weeks is brilliant! A pound a week will get you to your goal for sure!

*off to update mine!