I didn't have an 'abroad' holiday for 10 years, but last year i went to turkey (staying with my friend's family) and to rome; this year it's turkey (same again) and i'm going to the south of france with my flatmate's family (they're like my second family), so i'm very excited. Just a little bit more incentive to get exante right!
I would love to go to more places in the UK - i'm reasonably well traveled within it, but sometimes it's so expensive to stay in places it'd almost be cheaper to just go abroad! If only i had a little more time off, i'd love to have a bit more of an explore. maybe next year i'll try cornwall or something - if i get fit enough maybe a bit of body boarding (i definitely don't have the balance for surfing!!)
Congratulations on a nice steady loss! Coffee is pretty good in the vanilla ones and the honeycomb too; but then again i think coffee makes most things better!!