Still haven't' decided whether to go to the ww class tomorrow as I am eating out on Valentines and am going to try to get back on track, or at least stop binging, on Thursday. I am just wondering if it's a bit too much at the moment with everything else that is going on, but having said that, I also can't afford to put any more weight on catch 22.
Hi Joe,
Hope you are well!!! I'm finally back in the living and back dieting today. I thought that it might be a bit too much having jet lag and trying to diet all in the same day, but it's working out OK.
Had a bit of a shock as I was up from about 13.7 to 15.0 after 3 weeks of eating junk on the honeymoon, but then I weighed myself this morning and it had gone back to 14.9, which after day one SS'ing will prob jump again tomorrow (fingers crossed anyway!). I lose really fast when I've put it on quickly, so I've set my first goal as getting back to 13.7 which was conviently 10%. And then I'll work on the next 10%!!! This yo-yo is doing my head in, but now the stress is out of the way, hopefully I can work on getting to goal before my new hubby tries to impregnate me!! LOL. Have started a new diary anyway, now I'm no longer a bride to be.
We are going laptop hunting in a bit, so I don't spend all my time in the hallway!!
Sorry to hear that you aren't getting on too well with WW at the moment. I really do not know what to suggest, but I know that you know yourself really well and so probably you are the only one that can really work out what the answer is. You seem to want it sooo much, but then something stops you. Have you identified your triggers? I know mine so well. I seem to have been able to cut them down to only when I'm upset for some reason...the boredom and celebration triggers seem to have lost their hunger...for example tonight, we've had such a lovely honeymoon, we didn't really 'need' to have another romantic night eating, so we've cut that one out. We just got treats instead

I know everyone is different, but like I say you know what your priorities are - perhaps try and identify them and if you like going out for meals or having a takeaway, work it into the plan and treat yourself one day a week - the 90/10 rule? I think WW is alot about planning which if you are busy at work and your daughter is also making you tired, try and get as much food in that is low or no points that you like, but isn't going to sabatoge your progress if you get that urge to binge. Plus, I'd say go to the meeting, even if you know you've put on, try and get some motivation for the week ahead? Also, I don't know if you can exercise before work? Perhaps a 15 min DVD routine in front of the telly before your daughter wakes up or a brisk walk to buy a paper? I always find it's a great help - it gives you that endorphine boost, increases your energy for day and then you think I'm not going to cheat today as I've made an effort to exercise.
Also, sorry to nag, but if you are consistently not eating the type of foods that give you energy - I know that you said some days you try and claw back quite a few points - you are going to feel tired and you do need all the energy that you can get in order to deal with work/children/household. So perhaps try increasing the amount of bananas you eat - or other super foods. And perhaps if you are a chocaholic try buying expensive individually wrapped dark chocolate and just suck one rather than having a whole bar,apparently the higher quality, the better the fix of those coco-sex-equivalent-chemical-hit!! You could always get your hubby to ration it aswell?
Anyway...hope that you soon get happy my love, and that the herbalist can advise you. If that doesn't work, maybe see a nutritionist as well and see if she can develop an eating plan that fits in with your lifestyle.