Artyjoe - from LL to WW - the journey!

Artyjoe youre doing the right thing. Whats right for you is the most important thing and you sound really happy with things just now.

Please DO keep posting - we need our wee WW gang to stay active ;)

Good luck with the rest of the choc free time
Hi everyone, I've been avoiding the forums as I haven't been in the best of moods! I went to WW which was a mistake as I showed a gain of 1 pound...not bad as I've been eating in a new way for 3 weeks so 1 pound should be okay, but it's blown my mind for some reason, I'm feeling such a failure and it all now means that instead of losing 7.5 stones, I've actually only lost 5.5 and have gained 2 stones back, bummer.

Anyway, I am off the pill now and the herbalist says to come and see him as we need to sort out my hormones and he thinks that may be why I'm being down on myself and have gained a pound. It sounds so trivial when I write it down but I haven't had ANY chocolate, coffee, tea, coke, alcohol...just think about those four missing from the diet, and then think about all the rubbish I'm normally allowed to eat in moderation, sugar on cereals, pastries, pizza, etc...and 1 pound seems huge for such sacrifice.

I know I am feeling much better in myself physically, but I feel finding out about the 1 pound gain has just shattered all that, which is a real shame as I had a great 2 weeks beforehand. I've now decided to skip WW for at least a month to give this diet and the new medicine a chance to settle down and will then come back on the core plan.

I'm beginning to wonder if LL was such a good move, great for losing the 7.5 stones, but as it's creeping back on I'm getting a little desperate...fingers crossed I'll find a good headspace and start to move in the right direction.

Didn't mean for this to be a groany post :)

Spring is here though and the gardens are looking great so hopefully that will spur me into exercise or something similar...although the sleep deprivation with my non sleeping toddler is still a killer!

Joe x
Thanks Lottie.

I'm off to the herbalist today so will ask him if he can pop a miracle cure for weight loss into the poison he is giving me!

I have had some good luck though, I won a couple of hundred on the national lottery last week and just won £1000 on a heart charity lottery that I subscribe to...they say it comes in threes! I was looking at holidays yesterday and figured I coudln't afford one so now this will ensure the family gets a holiday in June, so I'm chuffed with that! The only thing I've ever won before is a bottle of whisky!

Maybe my next 'win' will be my weight battle :)

Now, THERES bloody optmisism for you!
Isn't it so depressing to find posts that you wrote a year ago to find you are even heavier than then?

I am desperately searching for inspiration...the 2kg tin of Quality Street that I've got 5 sweeties left in hasn't actually worked unfortunately so I've decided this may be a better place to look :)

I am incredibly fed up with my now 3 stone gain but am on a speeding train towards sabotage but feel I'll be likely to put on the brakes come the new the mean time every day I try a bit of damage limitation but that seems to be backfiring...if I have CD for breakfast I'll eat twice as much for lunch!

I am trying to conceive and I'm using this as an excuse not to go on a proper diet as I'll only have to find the strength to do it again after I've given birth...of course I realise I could gain another 3 stones before I even fall pregnant with that attitude, but unfortunately it's hard to shake. If there was such a thing as plastic surgery for the mind I'd remortgage my house for it :)

Anyway...I'm planning to CD for lunch and breakfast from January, or before if I can, and hope to start to shift some of this weight...when I look back at some of my posts from 2006 (2008 in only a few weeks - eek) I realise I've wasted a lot of time without realising it...without whining and whingeing I could have lost my weight four times over by now if I'd knuckled down.

So that's the plan. I'm going to whitter on here for a while if that's okay as somehow writing it down does seem to cement it more in my head, once I get over the embarassment of whingeing on a public forum...but I do find even whingeing an emotion that if not got out then it is eaten :)

Am going to sit in bed tonight and watch a DVD and leave the rest of the chocs (unfortunately I stupidly bought all the Christmas chocolate last week) downstairs where they can't do me harm!

Joe x Again x
Hi joe,my names paula.
If i had found this site i would of been on here for about 13 years,so dont feel down chick.We keep battling we will get therexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:)
Thanks Paula, you are sooo right...if I'd found this site at the begining of my battle it would have been nearly 20 years ago. Having said that, 20 years ago I thought being a size 14 was criminal...what I wouldn't give to go back in time and slap that kid around! :)

Hi Paula, I'm not doing fantastic, but I don't expect to with it being Christmas...I've given myself the excuse that I'll start in January! The one thing about Christmas is instead of being guilty about having had a packet of minstrels, it's now a 1kg tin of Quality Street, why on earth do we do this to ourselves?!

It is TOTM for me so am feeling very swollen and peed off (am trying to conceive so another fruitless month) but these things all happen for a reason and maybe I won't get pregnant until I lose the stone and a bit needed to ensure a happier pregnancy.

I am still exercising so am happy about that and will enter for a race in the new year which will keep me motivated on that level. Am having my hair done today and going out tonight (first Christmas event so far) so am looking forward to that too.

I saw the programme 'lose 30 stones or die' last night, and I know I have 7 stones to lose rather than 30, but it was interesting my reaction to the people around the man saying 'ah he wasn't allowed this on the diet but I thought it would cheer him up' and 'just eat what you want today and then get back on it tomorrow' and I was thinking just leave him alone for Goodness sake, no wonder he can't stick to a diet with people like that around...and then realised his family mirrored mine, so that will make for interesting talk over the breakfast table...just got to decide if it's todays breakfast or 2nd January's breakfast :)

Hope everyone is having a good day x
Hi sweet,hope you have a lovely time when you go out.
I cant believe its so close to xmas.
I usually put on loads at xmas so im hopein its not gonna be that much this year:cry: