ArtyJoe - My Final Journey

Hi Lottie

I have ordered the staff hot chocolate gift packages, far easier than gazing at Thorntons!

Am having a hard morning; the cold realy has kicked in and I couldn't breathe last night due to my nose being bunged up so this morning I've got a dreafully sore throat, have asked hubby to go and get some eucalyptus crystals to have a steam with and see if that makes a dent in it...he's sleeping on the sofa tonight as apparently I made so much noise!

Thanks for the offer of getting some shakes for me, I'll let you know how I get on, am trying a few new flavours this week, trying to be brave for a change :)

It is the dinner on Saturday and have warned the guests that rather than a fancy meal we are having chilli and cornbread, this way if I do want to eat (I am intending to) then I shouldn't get out of ketosis, and if I do I'll be downing Lemsip on the way to bed! I have two eats planned during my 28 days and Saturday is one of them, I'm intending to get straight back on the Sunday, fingers crossed I can do that. I'm drinking all the water and everything else, so I really do hope I'll be okay.

The counsellor was a bit surprised that I didn't want to know my weight, but I've asked her to tell me when I get to 13.2, which I do hope will be before the 28 days are up.

How are you doing Lottie? I am goign to reply to your e-mail, just having a very hectic week!

Take care - Joe
Hi Joe,

Well I hope that your cold has eased up as it sounds as though you've got a long day (and night)!! LOL re: hubby on sofa because of the noise - it's usually the other way around in our house!!

I'm doing OK thanks. Today is the last day of my 3rd week of SS'ing, so I'm really pleased that I got this far - my last thirty attempts have ended in a takeaway! Anyway, you are doing really well and I hope that you have a lovely night! xxx
Week 2 and lost 9 pounds.

I've struggled.

The dinner party was great, except the oven broke so no cornbread or fresh bread, but thankfully had nachos in the cupboard! I did have wine which was a bummer, followed by two chocs, but hey ho, that's life. Got back on the next day.

Two days later I took a 'funny turn' and thought I was going to die in the bath, not at all amusing and felt absolutely sick to my stomach for the rest of the day. The next day, for the first time in 14 years, I had to close my business and go to bed where I felt so awful. I had come to the conclusion that it was all the medication I was taking for the cold, sitting on an empty stomach. So I did eat, took more meds, and felt better the next day. Two days later (last night) and I fell off the wagon again, had six chocs that were calling to me (was in the house on my own) so then finished the night with toast.

Am wiping the slate clean today and starting afresh. It is still possible for me to get to my target weight before the 28 days end so am still positive. If not, hey, I was ill and struggled for 10 days before giving up so I'm not going to be that hard on myself. I already fit into one pair of trousers that got too tight to wear, so that's encouraging.

I do hope they bring out the better bars soon on LL as I'm tempted to have CD bars with LL counselling at this rate!

Am off for a gentle swim this morning to ease myself back, even though i've still got a cold. I just hope this picking at food stops as of today...fingers crossed.
Hi Jo, well done on the 9lb loss hun:) It sounds like you're doing great considering you've not been well... it certainly seems to be a tough old time of year as far as dieting's concerned... I'm struggling big time at the moment aswell!!!!!!
Today's another day though, so long as we do our best then we will get there in the end I'm sure:)

Enjoy your swim:)

love xxxx:D
Am still struggling today, sorry to hear you are finding it hard too Mandy.

Found it hard to do 2 litres never mind 4!

Have had a few pieces of protein this evening, which has annoyed me, but at least I should still be in ketosis. I dont know why the struggle, maybe it's because I'm on week 3 of this darn cold, the sleep deprivation is still a killer and my business is manic...the diet is always fine until i stop at 6pm and then i want to eat, of course that is when everyone else is eating as well so it's no surprise I suppose.

I was a bit disappoitned to find out that on week 1 I lose 8 pounds but week 2 was only 1 pound, thankfully I found that out the day I decided to wipe the slate clean rather than the day I was eating otherwise I'd have had a huge binge just to spite myself...aren't our minds funny things?

Am taking one week at a time so I have 5 days left after today, lets hope I get there still in's a shame there isn't a 790 plan like on CD. hey ho!
I'm on week 3 of a cold too isn't it awful. I hope neither of our colds last into the 4th week!

a bit of protein isnt too bad as long as you dont move onto bigger and carbier things.

good luck with getting the water down
I know I crave carbs when I'm not well, so well done you for just sticking to some protein!

9lbs is 2 weeks is fab you know. They say you shouldn't compare yourself to others, but if it's any consolation, when I SSed after maintaining ready for my ciggie quit, I only lost 3.5 pound the first week and 3.5lbs the second.

Still half a stone in two weeks, and you've topped that
Thanks Karion, I suppose it was the 1 pound loss that was a bit depressing.

I am still struggling today, picking at cheese and ham, I just know I am going to have chicken tonight. I'm very frustrated with myself as I feel I could do the CD 790, but I need the LL counselling, or the group, not sure which, but LL I am really struggling with at the moment, I just can't seem to get back on track. I'm not bingeing and it's only bits and pieces, but I'm obviously not in ketosis so this may be causing me problems if I'm on such a low calorie intake and not in ketosis, not sure of the science of the body with regards to that one.

I feel like saying to hell with it for the weekend and starting a fresh on Monday, but I did that on Wednesday, so not sure what to do for the best. My cold is still hanging in there so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it...I just 'fancy' food, not necessarily hungry, but definitely fancying food is stronger than the will not to eat at the moment.

I think it is because I have stopped finding myself repulsive again. When I am repulsed with myself then I can stick to it rigidly, but as soon as my clothes start to fit again and my cheekbones appear then the will to not eat goes out of the window. I am even wondering if I should reassess my target and not even attempt to go for another two stones, but to get to 13.2 which is where i was last year and then move into management. The reality was, when I was a comfortable size 16 I felt great...okay, naked I look bloody awful, but I'm very rarely naked ;-)

I think there is a full moon too, or maybe that has passed, no idea, but I am definitely begining to wonder if a size 16 is where I should 'sit' for a while. Will need to ponder a bit more i think. I wish we could have one on one counselling for days like this. Maybe I'll do a pop in on Sunday mmmm.
Hi ArtyJoe, I'm really struggling today and have been reading the threads for inspiration. Just wanted to say how impressed I am with your fight. Reading your diary I'm beginning to realise that getting to the goal isn't the only bit that's important. It's carrying on when I feel like this and not giving in. By giving in I don't mean falling off the wagon - it's refusing to give up. I've been struggling with my weight for years and now I'm 5/9lbs from goal and it's the hardest its ever been. I want to eat without stopping ever. I'm actually about to go to bed so that I won't eat! But despite the fact the I would mow down my Gran for a packet of Quavers and I haven't lost an ounce so far this week, I'm not going to give in.

I hope you make it to your 28 days - and that I don't eat the contents of my cupboards tonight!
Hi Joe,

I've just been catching up with your diary as i haven't had much minimins time this week. I'm glad to here that you are still trying. I'd def think about making your short term goals a lot smaller.

I may have said this before, but perhaps just aim for your first stone (i.e. in 5lbs time) and then your next half stone and then the next - but take each one individually and to start with the little picture rather than the bigger picture. I often find that if we look back to a weight that we got down to previously, by it's very nature it's tinged with thoughts of if only I hadn't put it back on. If you therefore choose a new goal, but something that is more easily in grasp, then at least you can start building up a pattern of success, rather than keep looking towards something that once we were?

About two years ago I go down to 14 stone and then went back up to 18.7 and I spent so much time thinking, if only I had carried on and got to goal. It's only now that I've managed to get to a weight lower than 14 stone that I can see that perhaps I was harming my own progress keep thinking about this elusive 14 stone that I wanted to get back to. I know that we are all different and what suits one, wont necessarily suit the next, but sometimes just looking at things differently can help.

I hope that your cold is soon going to out of your system hun. Keep up the hard work and perserverance!:) :) :)
hi Joe
hun I have same problem as U...Not biniging but picking here and there and not being in ketosis. I just am so desperate to get this stone off me, Its keep me away from so much socializing that I can do just coz I feel so huge even in size 12 clothes. everyday is a new start which ends into a failure as I pick and end up eating a meal etc.
No idea what to do :(
Hi S, I've responded on your own thread but the last hurdle really is atrocious isn't it?

I have had a mini binge...although in the great scheme of what my binges used to be it probably shouldn't be classed as one...I had 15 chocolate Roses...mmm, bad enough.

The thing I need to work out in my head is why I waited until my husband left the house, knowing I was going to go out into the studio (where they'd been hiding) and bring in the box...even though he'd been to the garage to get me some Minstrels to give me some form of 'control' as I said I thought I would have chocolate. The main thing is why I waited for him to leave...first time ever I've felt a mind game going on with me and hubby (obviously not with hubby at all, but just in my mind). I need to analyse this as this one is new!

Why can't being slim taste as nice as chocolate? Is it because I'm not yet slim so don't really know how sweet that taste is? I can't be optimistic about putting the self sabotage to one side tomorrow but, as it stands tonight, that's what I'm hoping for.

Every day I will keep trying, even if every day I fail, as one day I will start to move in the right direction again. I just wish it wasn't so hard.

I'm sorry this is a negative post but what can you do when you are looking for a soft cusion to fall on and can't find one? I do actually feel decidedly sick, which is heartening as there was a time not long ago that I'd have done easily 10 times what I did tonight and still not feel sick...small steps x
Oh Joe, Bless you. This post was so heartfelt, sincere and almost poetic. I love the comment about why can't being slim taste as nice as chocolate. Do you know, when I first read that, I thought I know what you mean, but then I read your next line about maybe it does? I think that you answered your own question, I think (although I confess, I'm not there yet and so can't tell you conclusively), I think that being slim does taste as sweet. I've had a taste of being slimmer recently and I feel so good about myself because of it, it really is just stringing those days together, back to back and they soon build up to a day or a week.

The glass can either half full or half empty and you wrote this when you were feeling low because of having a few chocolates, so you are obviously going to feel a bit negative. But, like you said the heartening thing is that you only had 15. You could've had more and you could've rang for a take-away, but the fact is that you still want to do this and you still want to keep trying every day and so please do not knock yourself, because at least you are trying.

Perhaps have a look at your wedding picture again and see how lucky you are and how many blessings that you have to count. You look so beautiful and happy and you are a successful business-lady and have a lovely family. The weight issue is just something that you need to conquer in order to feel better about yourself and sorry I haven't got a simple solution. Maybe the slower route (e.g. WW or one of the others) might suit you better if you used minimins to keep you motivated as well? And you could always use the CD/LL products to boost your losses every now and then?
Hi Lottie, thanks for your words, unfortunately the 15 chocs ended up being half a tin over the last 3 days but they are going in the bin this morning!

One thing I will say though is I count my blessings every day; I have the most fantastic husband, good lifestyle, and the most precious daughter in the fact the only real sh*t (apart from my father) in my life is my mums health and my weight. I know I have 1000 things to be happy about, and I am, but my weight is what I write on this forum about!

Talking of which, I knew I would, I have gained 4 pounds, but I knew I would and hopefully now I've had my 'fun' I'll try to get a grip. I'm going to my class tonight and will get another weeks packs which will give me a total of 3 weeks packs in my cupboard which I'm going to use to get me into the second week of January, where I'm hoping to SS again once the distraction of Christmas is over. I'm just hoping that I won't be back to where i started at the January weigh in. As there will be no chocs in the house until next Friday I'm at least hoping to maintain this week at the very minimum.

I do hope the new LL bars will be arriving soon, lunch is definitely the thing that kills me when I'm out and about, the bars are just yucky :)
Hi Lottie, thanks for your words, unfortunately the 15 chocs ended up being half a tin over the last 3 days but they are going in the bin this morning!

One thing I will say though is I count my blessings every day; I have the most fantastic husband, good lifestyle, and the most precious daughter in the fact the only real sh*t (apart from my father) in my life is my mums health and my weight. I know I have 1000 things to be happy about, and I am, but my weight is what I write on this forum about!

Talking of which, I knew I would, I have gained 4 pounds, but I knew I would and hopefully now I've had my 'fun' I'll try to get a grip. I'm going to my class tonight and will get another weeks packs which will give me a total of 3 weeks packs in my cupboard which I'm going to use to get me into the second week of January, where I'm hoping to SS again once the distraction of Christmas is over. I'm just hoping that I won't be back to where i started at the January weigh in. As there will be no chocs in the house until next Friday I'm at least hoping to maintain this week at the very minimum.

I do hope the new LL bars will be arriving soon, lunch is definitely the thing that kills me when I'm out and about, the bars are just yucky :)

Hi Joe,

Thanks again for your post today, I really appreciated it! I just want to say that I'm glad that there are loads of things that you are happy about and sorry if it sounded as though I thought you weren't. I guess it's cos I'm continually (over) analysing every aspect of my journey and the diet and my food issues are so all consuming that I seem to write about all of the aspects of my life at the moment as they seem so entwined.

Anyway, you seem as though you have a plan hun and I think you'll have plenty of time before now and the next intensive SS session to psych yourself up. Keep posting though, like readinghow you are doing :) :) :)
Hi Lottie, am trying not to get too desperate about my weight at the moment in the hope that the new year will sort me out...I have managed to gain exactly 14 pounds so far - eek. I am determined to continue to scoff my face until January 1st and then that's it, back on track...although not on SS until second week as we are going away for a weekend....the only opportunity we'll have for 3 months to get some sleep thanks to babe who doesn't sleep through night!

I have decided to set my goal as 13.2 which was where I was happiest in a size 16, and then reevaluate. I am hoping the counselling will get better otherwise I'll have to switch to CD as the bars as sooo much better, but lack of counselling has been a problem in the past.

I have been lurking on your diary, but not wanted to post recently as haven't been in a good frame of mind and didn't want to bring you down! You are doing really really well and are really inspirational in terms of controlling your food and exercise...something which I hope to be able to say next year.

I hope you have a great New Year...your photo looks great by the way - Joe x
Hi Lottie, am trying not to get too desperate about my weight at the moment in the hope that the new year will sort me out...I have managed to gain exactly 14 pounds so far - eek. I am determined to continue to scoff my face until January 1st and then that's it, back on track...although not on SS until second week as we are going away for a weekend....the only opportunity we'll have for 3 months to get some sleep thanks to babe who doesn't sleep through night!

You do it at your own pace hun. CD or LL are not diets that you can do half heartedly, so it's best to wait until you are i the zone. I've messed about on CD for a period of months and it just doesn't seem to work even if I think my calorie count is lower than what I need to just live. Maybe try a WW or GI diet in the mean time so that you get used to controlling food without the intensity of SS? Just an idea, as I say do it at your own pace and I think that you've got the right idea not worrying about it too much.

I have been lurking on your diary, but not wanted to post recently as haven't been in a good frame of mind and didn't want to bring you down! You are doing really really well and are really inspirational in terms of controlling your food and exercise...something which I hope to be able to say next year.

Oh bless you, you can always mail me you know if you don't want to post. I won't be brought down, it gives me someone else to think about other than myself!! LOL Thank you for your kind comments, I'm certainly not an angel in the SS world, otherwise I'dve been at goal 5 months ago, I think it's just bloomin panic making me stick to it at the moment, but I am heaps happier, it's all about control for me, I was so out of it, it was untrue.

I hope you have a great New Year...your photo looks great by the way - Joe x

Thanks hun :D

I better go an update my diary now (instead of going to the gym as planned - see I'm not very inspirational, I'm naughty!), I was out all day yesterday so didn't manage it yesterday (wedding stuff). I couldn't sleep (woke with a nightmare about a girl at work) and so been up since 4am updating at my budget spreadsheet and working out who and what needs paying and how much of it needs to be cash. All very yawn!!

Keep popping by and don't worry about negative, I say that it's best to get it out there, it's primarily your diary and so use it to exorcise your demons, no one will judge you and if they do, let them, you don't know them :) Missing you, but like the thought that you are lurking :)
One day left until 2007 so I have already started cleaning out the cupboards of food that I don't want to eat and clothes that I don't want to wear!

I am giving away all the cheese and biscuits and cakes that I was convinced I 'needed' a week before Christmas, only to realise that if I had invited 20 friends a night, every night, then possibly the food might have been warranted. We are going to try to hold onto this memory for next year as the food waste is dreadful...although I'm taking a lot of the unopened stuff to a skinny friend tonight :)

I will be depressed to weigh myself tomorrow but weigh I will and I'll start slowly cutting back as I have a weekend away next week and then the official LL plan starts on the Monday. I am going to use my spa pass, which at the moment is costing me £90 a month for not even so much as a swim! I'm going to look at exercise classes mixed with swimming to see if I can avoid the actual gym but build exercise into my lifestyle somehow....20 minutes of rowing just isn't doing it for me!

Anyway, hope everyone has a great celebration tonight, I'm off to a friend who also has a 2 year old and has asked us all to stay the night, doesn't happen often when you have a toddler so we are really looking forward to it. Lets hope that next year at the bells I won't be thinking right that's it, I'm on the diet tomorrow and will be thinking, right, off to the sales to buy that size 10 Roberto Cavallier blouse! :)

Happy new year x
hi Joe i understand how you feel. I lost all my weight, and felt proud of myself for making it against all the critisism etc. I was on lipotrim at the time. However I regained my weight within a year. I found when i came off the diet i did not get the help and support i needed and monitoring I just couldn`t get it right. My stomach had not shrank i felt no different than before lipotrim although i do not eat a vast amount i did discover that my calorific needs are very low less than the statistics for an average woman before i begin to gain weight. This is difficult when your appetite is the same it feels like i need to learn to stay hungry and eat that low amount of calories a daunting thought. I have heard you get more help on lighter life is this true? Also do they help you when you come off the diet?. It is very expensive though as i am struggling now to pay for cambridge.Mainly because i have to buy ordinary food for the rest of the family apart from my eldest son who lives with his girlfriend. My husband and younger son who live at home can eat as much as they like and what they like and never gain weight. I am sorry to hear of the troubles you have had and congratulations on your wedding. I wish you lots of joy for 2007.