Atkins to celebrity slim


Full Member
After a year of being on Atkins and dropping from a 14 to a size 6 I'm really chuffed BUT I'm fed up of meat and eggs. The thought of having meat all day every day is making me feel sick thinking about it!
I'm thinking of starting CS tomorrow, anyone gone from Atkins to CS? I hate cooking so meal replacement meals are ideal for me. I know CS is fairly low carb too.

Anyone else tried this?

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Are you still a size six?

I'd be really concerned about doing meal replacements if you're already at a low weight - they tend to be designed for people with over a stone to lose...

Do note (for the newbies) that it's perfectly possible not to eat meat and even eggs at all on Atkins. I regularly have veggie days and eat things like quorn and tofu.
I'm between a 6-8 but due to new meds I have gained a few lb and its increasing. I gained 7lb in one week and I wasn't even that bad food wise (I wasn't doing low carb that week)
I think the weight gain is water retention and eventually that will go... I hope!

I have started CS today mainly due to my sweet tooth that has suddenly appeared and the ease of having shakes. It's only a temp measure until I can face going back to low carbing to maintain my weight

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Back on Atkins starting from tomorrow.... Massive food shop tonight and one last KFC before the carbs are banished from my life again lol
I've gained 9lb and can really see it on my face now :(