Hi thanks for updating me but I lost 3.5 not 3. Every little counts I reckon! Thank you so much Daz- this must be hard work for you!
Updated all.
For those who don't realise, there is still actually 2 weigh ins after this week. A full week again next week and another couple of days after that. It may not seem much but another day or 2 could equal more lbs lost.
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Hi Daz, I wish I had 5 weeks. For those of us who get weighed sun-wed, its only 4 weeks. Also the target u set for yourself is by no means low - u have done so well !!
Kay xx
Thanks Kay.
i shall play devils advocate here though and say that we have taken on the "August Challenge". That to me means all 31 days of it. So, if you have scales at home, then you would weigh on the 30th (late in the day) and declare that also. i weighed on the 1st (a non weigh day for me) and used that as my starting weight, not the weight i had declared the Friday previous. Even if you are in the Sun - Wed brigade you still get a 5th weigh on the 30/31 August.
Well that's great to know, if I don't reach my goal then I have an extra 4 days until the 31st !
Kay xx
That how i read it anyway, otherwise it would be a "28 day challenge" or "4 week challenge" would it not? im sure Texty will give me a slap if i have it wrong. lol.
I'm feeling rather down today with myself. I only lost 1 lb and I have been going to the gym 5 times last week. There were ladies in the group that aren't even doing any body magic and had greater losses. I can't understand why my body is not responding to all the exercise I am doing . I almost ended up eating mcdonalds today because I was so upset. Lucky I ate my salad instead, but I feel like giving in sometimes if the exercise is not going to work. My body feels tired and I feel I will never get to target if I keep losing a 1 lb, I have 5 stones to loose . Sorry for rant .
Kay xx
Rant away, thats the idea of a forum, to help each other.
Now, again i may cause conflict, but i was using the wii fit daily. i have mobility issues so need to regulate what i do exercise wise. (cant jog, cant get on a push bike, etc), so the wii seemed perfect. But i got a bit fed up with doing all that and seemingly losing little, so i just said sod it and stopped. i have not had any slow down because of it, in fact i think my losses have been greater. Dont get me wrong, im not saying its due to the stopping of the exercise, but it hasnt been a major issue to me personally. My advice would be to stop and see how you go for a week. Of course you have to weigh that up against gym fees if you are tied into a contract, but nothing in this world says you have to do what others do.
Thanks Daz. I was doing it for myself, but my body is starting to feel tired. Maybe your right, maybe I need to cut back a little. I might go 3 days instead of 5 and see where that gets me. I do enjoy exercise but I wanted it to also boost my losses. Maybe my body is just playing catch up, I don't know. I'll have to wait another week and see. I also heard someone say that it's good to switch your exercise routine so your body does not get used to it. I tend to use the same machines that I like. Maybe it's time to switch it up a little and try different stuff out. Anyway if it wasn't for all the support I get from you all, my journey would be so much harder. Thanks again for listening .
Kay xx
Try swimming instead for a week or 2? I thought about cutting back to 2 times a week, but that will keep for when i get nearer to target if i start having problems losing. i had a sound off at someone yesterday for the same reason, not feeling like i was losing as much as i want, but this morning i had lost enough to make me more confident. i think we all have fits and bursts at times.