Woohoooooo! So, tonight in my 8th week, I had my biggest loss - 4lbs - which along with my 2lb loss last week means I now only need to lose 3lbs to be in the 13's for the first time in an awfully long time and gave me my 1 stone loss sticker. It also means that I have gone to the sub-200lb bracket, so all in all a pretty monumental evening. Since my losses have been slow til now, I don't think I want to change my target, but may change that depending on how the next week goes. Hope that is ok? Best of luck to all.
Annya 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Ayo Ayu 9lbs (6lbs lost ~ 3lbs to go)
BikerAngel 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Bilsat 14lbs (0lbs lost ~ 14lbs to go)
Catmonkey 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Chelsea 14 lbs (0lb lost - 14 lbs to go)
Cherry-Blossom 14lb (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
CLAIREA - 13lbs off (0lb lost ~ 13lb to go)
Claire86 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Clareel 5lb (3lb lost ~ 2lb to go)
Conlou1 7lbs (1/2lbs lost ~ 6 1/2lbs to go)
desperate2bslim 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
Diamond Daisy 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Elaine 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
dmboanas 6lbs (0lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
Dreamslim 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Fairy3852 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Ffynnon 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
GrannieAnnie 5lbs (0lns lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Gunsandbanjos 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
HelsAngel 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
HodgeyPodgy 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Holidaygirl10 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Illbethin1day 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
JaneB 10lb (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
JoC 8lb (0lbs lost, 8lb to go)
Katoof 8lb (0lbs lost, 8lb to go)
Kelly-1984 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Kerry2285 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Latte 3lbs (0lbs lost ~ 3lbs to go)
Lily42uk 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Little Bubblez 8.5lbs (2lb lost, 6.5lb to go)
Littlemeercat No amount mentioned?
Louisa_Jane 6lbs (olb lost - 6lb to go)
Lyndawood1958 10lbs (0lbs lost, 10lbs to go)
lynseym 4lbs (1lbs lost ~ 3lbs to go)
Madmavey 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Maggie 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
mummy84 7lb (0lb lost ~ 7lb to go)
Mummyto2monkeys 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Nikki_j 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Princess01 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Rattymum 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
rozybaby85 8lb (0lb lost ~ 8lb to go)
Safia 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Sam 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Sassia 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
SlimmerGirl 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Small_Jaxy 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
Soontobeskinny 14lbs (3.5lbs lost ~ 10.5lbs to go)
Skinnyminx 8.5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8.5lbs to go)
Sofartogo 5lb (0lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Starlit_Cazza 10lbs (0lb lost, 10lb to go)
Sueschoices 8lbs (3.5lbs lost ~ 4.5lbs to go)
Sugarpuff Sophie (0lb lost ~ 10lbs to go)
surreygal 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
TrimTrixy 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
WelshCake 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5 to go)
Welshchick 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go

My Weight Chart:
Annya 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Ayo Ayu 9lbs (6lbs lost ~ 3lbs to go)
BikerAngel 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Bilsat 14lbs (0lbs lost ~ 14lbs to go)
Catmonkey 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Chelsea 14 lbs (0lb lost - 14 lbs to go)
Cherry-Blossom 14lb (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
CLAIREA - 13lbs off (0lb lost ~ 13lb to go)
Claire86 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Clareel 5lb (3lb lost ~ 2lb to go)
Conlou1 7lbs (1/2lbs lost ~ 6 1/2lbs to go)
desperate2bslim 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
Diamond Daisy 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Elaine 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
dmboanas 6lbs (0lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
Dreamslim 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Fairy3852 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Ffynnon 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
GrannieAnnie 5lbs (0lns lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Gunsandbanjos 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
HelsAngel 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
HodgeyPodgy 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Holidaygirl10 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Illbethin1day 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
JaneB 10lb (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
JoC 8lb (0lbs lost, 8lb to go)
Katoof 8lb (0lbs lost, 8lb to go)
Kelly-1984 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Kerry2285 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Latte 3lbs (0lbs lost ~ 3lbs to go)
Lily42uk 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Little Bubblez 8.5lbs (2lb lost, 6.5lb to go)
Littlemeercat No amount mentioned?
Louisa_Jane 6lbs (olb lost - 6lb to go)
Lyndawood1958 10lbs (0lbs lost, 10lbs to go)
lynseym 4lbs (1lbs lost ~ 3lbs to go)
Madmavey 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Maggie 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
mummy84 7lb (0lb lost ~ 7lb to go)
Mummyto2monkeys 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Nikki_j 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Princess01 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Rattymum 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
rozybaby85 8lb (0lb lost ~ 8lb to go)
Safia 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Sam 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
Sassia 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
SlimmerGirl 8lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Small_Jaxy 10lbs (0lbs lost ~ 10lbs to go)
Soontobeskinny 14lbs (3.5lbs lost ~ 10.5lbs to go)
Skinnyminx 8.5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 8.5lbs to go)
Sofartogo 5lb (0lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
Starlit_Cazza 10lbs (0lb lost, 10lb to go)
Sueschoices 8lbs (3.5lbs lost ~ 4.5lbs to go)
Sugarpuff Sophie (0lb lost ~ 10lbs to go)
surreygal 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go)
TrimTrixy 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
WelshCake 5lbs (0lbs lost ~ 5 to go)
Welshchick 7lbs (0lbs lost ~ 7lbs to go

My Weight Chart: