WI and STS and i've been really good this week, But i did up my exercise so im wondering if this had an effect ? Im finding it so slow losing this last damn half a stone![]()
Oh well today's a new week![]()
Well Done and keep up the good work Njay !!
It definitely has to be the exercise, as i started off well this week, but i've gone down hill, mainly due to well being due lol, So i lost the motivation for the exercise. So have WI today and lost another 1lb, Slowly but surely
I agree Jenny, my meausrements are looking good and my overall appearance is looking good too
Woohoo Kel, that's excellent. Wow 5lbs to target you have done so well :clap: and must be feeling so pleased with yourself !!!!
I put on a pair of jeans this morning that I haven't worn since my trip back to the UK last September - they are too big, that is the motivation I need to keep going !!!!
Hope you have a good week![]()
WI and lost 2lb !! I'm surprised as it's *week for me, but i think it's probs cos i had such an upsy daisy week, last week with food and exercise i've tried harder this week and it's shown![]()
Thankyou Njay and Well Done on your loss this week !!
Well this week has been a real struggle for mei put on half a pound on my WI monday and have been so off and on track all week. I know were im going wrong then try to start again and then go off plan again GRRR !!! Well from tomorrow im Definitely gonna go back to basics and get my head into it again then give myself i slap if i even try and go off plan, even if i put on next week ( which will be deserved ) then at least im not losing the plot altogether, and then just keep going from there....
Hi Guys
I am moving to Queensland in three weeks and was thinking about starting back up with SW when I arrive. I currently live in the UK so everyone know SW. How do you find it in Australia? Do you have trouble with HE's etc? Is it worth buying any of the SW books from here before I come over?
Thanks guys
Hey Kel,
Don't beat yourself up, we all have our bad days (well I do) and sometimes you really can't help going off plan and then doing nothing but regretting it. I think the trick is to draw a line and just move on,no point stressing as then you do just lose the plot. You really have done so well up until now and that in itself says something, just look at how much weight you have lost and think about how good it makes you feel, that in itself will help keep you in line.
Hope this week is better for you![]()
Thankyou Njay,
So far i've had a really good week. except for our wedding anniversary on thurday, had a chinese and drinks but have managed to stay on plan after, so hopefully this week won't be too bad..the scales will tell me tomorrow. I've got my head back into it and hopefully it shall continue that way![]()