Autumnbabe's diary. Getting there.!!

Autumnbabe, new starter

Think my heart was racing more at the emptying of my bank balance haha!
Autumnbabe, new starter

Hi Heather just caught up on your diary and subscribed :) your diary and weight loss is really inspiring! Might nick some of your ideas! ;P x

Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

So today
He/a 175ml semi milk
He/a 3 babybel light
He/b 2 weetabix
He/b 60g wholemeal cob

2 healthy choice sausage (2)
Salad(tomatos,lettue,peppers,onion. cucumber.watermelon.grapes and sw chicken tikka breasts.
Extra light mayo (2)
So up to now (7) syns
Alpen cereal bar (3)
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Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

I'm not really fussed about pasta. Thanks for the feedback about red days.
Its good to know I'm on the right track.!
Autumnbabe, new starter

Red day looks great!!

I love my pasta too much to try anything other than extra easy ATM though haha
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

So today. Feeling very sorry for myself today my husband went yesterday morning and will be back tomo morning. I know a lot of you ladies will think. The peace!!! Can watch what I like on tv etc. But my husband works nights so not very often we get to spend a night together. So really missing him. Wish I hadn't said it was ok to go, but I did so I wouldn't seem like a nasty wife. But there you go.
So instead of stopping in I took my daughters into town for a few hours now its time to make tea.
So today red day. !
He/a 175ml semi milk
He/a 3 babybel lights
He/b 2 weetabix
He/b 2 alpen light bars.
Also had bananas, grapes
For tea I have made chicken tikka masala out of the sw curry book.
But kind of changed it a little. Made the sauce but put the chicken on kebab sticks will post a photo when its cooked.
So that's all I had up to now really don't feel like eating but I know I have to.
Dairy milk freedo bar. (4)
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:( awwww bless you i hate it when i dont see oh especially like you said with him working nights you dont get to see him often but you were lovely for letting him go and itll be tommorow before for you know it . Your tea sounds lovely cant wait to see a picture. Im feeling sorry for myself today (feel free to shout at me) ive still been getting on scales and there not budging feel like its pointless at minute im not going to cheat but feel like it xxx
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

So this is tea. I made chicken kebab then made the sauce and mixed it all together.
Omg it was so nice.!


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Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

That looks lovely, cheer up hun it will soon be the morning we say YES when inside we mean NO but we have to do these nice things its our nature karma will reward you hang in there :) Xx
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

Lol thank u. I know its the right thing to do just makes me feel crap though lol. I know its nearly morning.!!
I have got a lot of karmaic credit building up lol.
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

It was in nice Leah.! Going to make it tomo night again for my husband. Although I have got lamb out to make a lamb curry.! Will decide tomo.
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

:( awwww bless you i hate it when i dont see oh especially like you said with him working nights you dont get to see him often but you were lovely for letting him go and itll be tommorow before for you know it . Your tea sounds lovely cant wait to see a picture. Im feeling sorry for myself today (feel free to shout at me) ive still been getting on scales and there not budging feel like its pointless at minute im not going to cheat but feel like it xxx

What we both like hey ! Lol. Just watching casualty then jumping in the shower. Going to read my book my neighbour brought me called angel inspiration. Very interesting.!
You keep off them scales!! They are addictive I know. But you know yourself you shouldn't do That's why I don't have them in the house else I'd be the same.! your scales do sound good though !lol
Try to resist from cheating else you will only feel even worse.!
I love reading my house is like a library problem is once i start i cant put it down im just chilling watching telly with oh till he goes to bed hes up at 5 for work so wont be having a late one i could eat that freddo :)i know i need to stop getting on them im ridiculous its because i feel like its not working.
Re: Autumnbabe, new starter

My husband is nearly home so I is happy !!!
I know we need to nip to shops I went to get some philli light for rivita all gone, went to get banana for my weetabix, there all gone. So I opened the tin to get a cereal bar, one left so I'm having that but need to re stock lol
Awww not long now :) ive just done same thing gone to get a cereal bar theres none left and no apples better go and restock dont fancy taking two five year olds round tescos on a sunday morning haha hope you and the oh have a lovely day xx