Hi Ava
Time to face up to this and get it sorted. Get the weight off once and for all and start thinking NOW about why, when you stop LT you go back to your old ways after working so hard and achieving so much. Most of the time it's our heads that need sorting out. Being fat is a side effect of our brains telling us we need to eat. Hunger pangs are generated by our brains, not our bellies.
If you carry on eating, drinking and partying like you have been, you will be in an endless spiral of doom, which is bad for your morale and your future. BTW I'm all for the partying

Also thinking that you have to 'deprive yourself to be slim' is very negative and a difficult thing for your 'head' to maintain long term. Thinking about sensibly cutting back on the drinking and eating so you don't have to deprive yourself would be the way forward. You have to find your life balance. LT is just the means to lose the weight consistently and fast and cannot be part of a permanent maintenance plan.
For me, the really difficult bit has been me personally taking responsibility for my weight. I've spent too many years blaming all sorts of events in my past for causing me to be fat, and an excuse to maintain the fat. I now know I only have to blame myself and have to hold myself accountable for what I put in my mouth. If in the future I could have had 3 drinks and had a good time, but instead I had 10 or 12 which meant I stumbled into the kebab shop on the way home to devour a pile of calories - that is my own fault, not the fault of the drink.
Life is too short and there are more important things than being obsessed constantly with food.
There are many words above, only you can decide if there is any wisdom in them.
Good luck with your restart, we are running an April Challenge if you'd like to get involved.
Best wishes
Kay x x x