Avoiding weight gain...!

I used TFR shakes but also had the maintainence caramel bars. Never brought any but had the free ones that i managed to send to different family and friends houses :giggle:[/QUOTE]

I must get about ordering some samples for my friends and family!!!
My chemist actually gave me 8 TFR shakes for my refeed week. She then said that I would then need to do at least 2 weeks maintenance before going my own way.

She just says that they find it works better that way and they are really keen to make sure I get as much support as possible. So its not like I HAVE to but they strongly advise it as they are so happy with my progress. After all they've seen it a dozen times so I'm quite happy to do what they recommend!.

So last week was my refeed and this week is my first maintenance week. I've just got caramel bars and veg soup as the rest didn't appeal to me. I might try some different flavours next week!

After next week I'll be going back to WW as I know that having to get weighed by someone else is a bigger incentive to me to ensure I stay on the straight and narrow!

I like the idea of just having two shakes/bars a day and then a low cal meal. So even though I'll be going to WW I might still do the shakes/bars & a meal. I've got some new you products that would keep me going.