day 67 sat 18/11
I have been down in the dumps a bit this week cos the weight hasn't fallen off quick enough, I have been afraid that cd stopped working well for me but I have to pull myself together and keep at it and hope it all kicks into motion again soon.
I heard terrible bad news about the son of an old friend of mine and I feel so sad for her, I couldn't sleep last night thinking about her, life is so unfair at times to the very people who really don't deserve it.
I am so over emotional at the moment, I don't know why, my eyes are very close to my bladder as my mother says lol, she also says I always want a happy ending and sometimes it's not always possible, she's very wise is my ma.
I have also decided to not read newspapers anymore or watch the news for a while because there has been a couple of awful things happening that I can't get out of my head, The world is a horrible place and i'm safe in my bubble.
God I sound like a right nutter!
Changing the subject, am I the only female in the world who really cannot stand clothes shopping? I look forward to it, I wander round shops aimlessly not knowing what to pick, I try things on and get hot and flustered, nothing looks good my legs are too short and my belly is yuk and why are all the glitzy tops for xmas short sleeved or strappy?
i'm lost now that I can't just go to evans and just grab anything that fits. I went out this morning early and was determined to come back with some clothes, I came back with one pair of tummy control knickers. I got xmas presents for others too though.
Im not even having any luck on ebay, I trawl it for hours looking for clothes and I always lose the bidding, I'm not very good at it.
I have two pairs of size 16 jeans that are hanging off me and one pair of black trousers for 'going out' left in my wardrobe that 'fit' and god i'm sick to death of wearing the same clothes, I need trinny and susannah I think.