Day50 weds 01/11
Thanks Gemma, I really appeciate your post, I think I feel like I'm failing when i give in and eat anything,
If the scales were moving well then fair enough, but they are not moving much at the moment, I did manage to drink 4ltres water at work today though and will try for more this evening.
I think I will try and not nibble anything at all all week then have AAM on saturday evenings and see if that helps.
Isn't it strange that you can drink milk in your tea and stay in ketosis! i had camomile tea and came out of ketosis, I don't mind not drinking tea and coffee with milk, I just drink nettle tea or peppermint sometimes green tea. I love this diet cos the weight comes off faster than any other diet I've done, but I haven't got the patience for it to come off 1-2lbs a week, I can manage that much cheaper on WW.