Gold Member
Stomach ache still lingering but came on again today so that's why! Had a day from Hell really and only just had my 2nd shake and on 2nd ltr of water, I so can't wait to be tucked up in bed watching silent witness!!!! Hubby decided to bid for some garden paving slabs and he is at work, so me and one of my brother in laws had to go and collect them, so there must of been 50 slabs and I drive a vw polo the place was only 15 min drive each way but had to load them up and we had to do 6 trips backwards and forwards Grrrrrr my bro in law was fed up and so was I, now taking my son Kickboxing and been stuck in traffic for 40 mins and the instructor late so its gonna be a long night as he will make up the time, won't get in till 8 ish now hmmph so tired too I want to cry