aysha's battle

Aysha you must stop looking at "eating" as being naughty. I said this on another post to Katie, I think(?) that it is fine to eat. We need to eat as it is fuel. The CD or any vlcd products are still food. Eat by all means but don't think it is naughty. It won't be naughty if you eat sensibly. You calorie wise eat upto 800 and that is still low calorie and have real food. Only difference is if it isn't all protein and only small amount of carbs you won't get into ketosis but you would still lose weight. You can still eat over the weekend and enjoy the family atmosphere and the celebration aspect of food and togetherness. Just don't eat too much or over indulge. This is something we have to practice if we are ever to maintain. If you suddenlty woke up slim tomorrow morning and then over indlulged the entire weekend and then didn't counter balance during the following weeks and eat less you would gain weight. SO, eat be sensible enjoy and lose weight. It can be done. We've just never tried it before and because of our impatience to lose weight fast we are doing vlcd's.

Forgive me if that sounds like a lecture. I don't mean to lecture whom am I to tell people how to lose weight and maintain correctly?!!! I just feel passioniately because I am sure this will be the last time I will do vlcd and I want to maintina and I will maintian. I won't allow social events to send me into panicked stress or control me. I know in an ideal world we would to vlcd and stick to it and get to target and then maintain. But life gets inthe way and we have to allow for that whilst still being able to lose weight.

In a nutshell I am saying don't put yourself through stress. Make the decision to either vlcd or adapt it so you can eat but lose weight. Don't overindulge? xx oh!" and enjoy!
Never apologise kira as i have told u before your words encourage me and help me along the way i know i can eat its what i eat that scares me as it is complete and utter junk and not sensible i should just eat an omlette or some chicken as i love that food but i go onto full blown binges!
I said to hubby that i will just stick to chicken tomorrow as my mil will do a roast so can pick but i know what she is like and will end up offended which i dont want to do and shuv rice and somosa on my plate!
Tell me about samosas!! I Have been in a situation where i feared my threading lady's mother in law was going o literally shove the samosa in my mouth! I'd already conceded to having milk my cofee!! I totally understand!!

Ok two choices stick with cd and deal with mother in law. Or have chicken and put the rice on your plate and the samosa eat the chicken and cut up samosa and move around the rice so it looked like you have eaten. Now, if a tiny bit or ice or samosA say a tablespoon even did reach your mouth it will not do any harm. However, this on your part will require psyching yourself up and p,Nning in your head that that is exactly what you will do. This will require that same willpower you used initially to stick to cd in the first place. You can do it you have done it before - exert your will power.

That way ou keep mother in law happy and yourself. But mentally you have to be strong! Think of me and samosgate when I refused it after getting my eyebrows threaded!! Think of me standing next to your with chicken rice & samosa! It might just help?!!! Your mother in law will just be happy to see you have plate full of food!
You can do it Aysha!! Try and worst thing is that you will just have to start over again the next day. Rice isn't that bad remember the developing world survive on that alone.... Xxx don't give yourself a hard time hon do what is right for you. Xx
I know i need to be strong i have come a hell of a long way and dont want my hard work to be undone by my binges need to give myself a gd talking to and crack on! Thankyou kira!!!
Ah Aysha i had to have the same chat with myself!!! I dont understand how its so much harder to get back into it then the initial first start because we know how good the results are but it IS soo dam hard.... you gotta just keep trying!!! Kira has put it very well.
Hope ja feel better soon hun
Hey girl! You can do it - you know you can! And we know you can. Think of this as a good opportunity to manage your "binge" trigger/mechanism. Enlist your hubby. I have gone for meals and just eaten the protein and veg, plus a taste - spoonful, piece, whatever - of the carb. People with me seemed ok that I was participating and didn't really monitor how much I ate of what.

Figure out your plan - CD only or chicken and veg (with creative movement of rice and samosas + small bite), and tell your hubby if it looks like the brakes have come off and you're heading for a binge to head you off at the pass (code word, big hug, whatever signal you agree). You're not alone you know.

Whatever happens, you will be back on the straight and narrow and we will be here with and for you.

PS Have fun and enjoy your family!!!!! :)
Have had an amazing but busy weekend, Eid was lovely spent with family and my sons party went fantastic, 28 little 6 and 7 yr olds is all good fun!
Yep and cd went out the window again i have been awfull and decided i need to start a fresh, i am starting a new diary tomorrow and getting a new card off my cdc i cant look back i need to look forward and get my motivation back from before, my clothes are tight and i feel disgusting so the fight starts tomorrow and yep i have said it before but i mean it now!!!! So plz find me on the diary page in the morning cos i need a fresh start!!!!!
OK will find you tomorrow. Glad to hear you had a great weekend - so many little kids - eek!

Remember what you're fighting for - you're trying to get "fighting fit" so you can get pregnant - that's a great goal and a big deal. When you faff about or go off CD completely, you're delaying getting to your goal and putting it in jeopardy instead and for what ... a short term pleasure? The food will be there to enjoy, in moderation, after you get to goal.

Ok - lecture over. Get your head on straight and hit it hard starting tomorrow! I'm here for you!
I know Tizzy i dont know why i do it to myself fed up of it now which why a fresh is needed!!!
Fresh start fresh mind in diary section xxx
Dear Aysha

i havent read all of your posts on here but from the ones i have read it seems you face all the same cultural barriers as me!! i wasnt going to post for a couple of days!! i'm new to CD i'm going to see my consultant tomorrow and start on thursday!! probably not the best time of year to start as i have diwali, my cousins wedding and team dinners all lined up over the course of the next couple of weeks and yet i (being the muppet that i am) has decided to do SS

anyway i just wanted to post to say i am happy to buddy up with you and hopefully we can encourage each other to stay away from the samosas and biryanis!!
Simmy I wish you well on your CD journey. You'll need to muster up techniques for declining the samosas and everything else! Especially with Diwali coming up and a wedding and of the food and events for the run up to Christmas! If your mind is in the right place I am sure you will stick to it! Wishing you all the best!
aawww Thanks Kira, yeah i kinda have a plan of action in mind!! i've read a few posts on here about relationships with food and not beating myself up over eating a little bit but being sensible! Diwali is next week on the 13th, new years day is on the 14th and i am cooking family dinner but thats fine i have decided to stay on plan for both with the exception of having a sensible meal with my family on those two days but i will defo be saying a big FAT NO!! to rice and samosas!! Thankfully my mum is really supportive and she knows i'm going onto it so thats a huge help for me!!

But lets face i dont have that much of a heavy social life between working and my son family life etc so as long as i am realistic and sensible about it then i'm hoping i will be ok!! ask me again in a week once i have started craving simple comfort food like scrambled eggs on toast!! (sob sob)

Sorry Aysha i seemed to have hi jacked your thread i shall go and make my own diary now all the very best i hope you are doing well with it!! xx :)
I miss u just so u know