Gold Member
Nice to have u back hunni!!!
Period from Hell and all I can think about is food
Period from Hell and all I can think about is food
tizzy51 said:Keep that holiday in mind Aysha! Mine is the only thing that has kept me on the straight and narrow the last few weeks. I keep imagining myself shopping and enjoying it! In a bathing suit without feeling like a beached whale. The look on my father's face when he sees me for the first time. And on my brother's and other relatives & friends. Sometimes if feels like if I can't be good for myself, I can be good for them.
The benefits we get from this diet are so much more significant than the ones from the food we crave - it's astonishing! That short term pleasure won't improve your health, allow you to move with more freedom or make you happier in the long term, no matter how much the crazy little voice in our head tells us how much we want that cake, bread, whatever, now! I know this cause this morning when I went for coffee at the hotel restaurant I drooled my way past loads of fresh breads set out for breakfast. Managed to stay strong and get out of there, but it wasn't easy!
Stay strong! You're creating a healthier, happier you. The result will be worth the struggle!
LeaE said:Hey sugar pls don't be down I messed up and lost 2lbs so pls don't worry xxxxxxxx hope yr feeling better and good luck with fasting yr so strong xxxx
katiebaby said:Salaam alaikum sishow is the fasting going? X
ayshaahmad said:Waliakum salaam, how's you? Today is my fist day fasting so will let u know later lol I have started the countdown of hours already though only 12 more to go lol how has yours been going? I am glad I can go straight through now though without stopping for my period as I usually hate the stop start routine!
To be honest I am glad fasting is here as my eating was getting out of control and scared me, I haven't stopped since last Saturday and have a feeling I will be back in the 15s when I go for wi on wednesday but I am fine with it wierdly as the past 6 yrs I have always had huge binges before fasting so that hasn't changed, but I know now fasting I will stick to it 100% for 4 weeks because I don't have the choice!
This morning all u had was 1/2 a bar and a choc tetra as didn't feel like anything else so tonight when I open my fast I will have the same but am allowing myself some eggs in days to come if I struggle! I just have a feeling it will be the tiredness that will get to me more than no food/ water!
I know my goal of 12 stone is waaaaaay gone for my holiday I have 4 weeks today till I go to Cornwall so I am aiming on a goal of being in the 13s for when I go, I could be 13.13 and I wouldn't care I just want those 13s, so when I go for my wi wednesday I will know how much I need to loose to get there! Then when I get back off my hols I can concentrate on getting the rest off!
I hope all u ladies are ok xx
ayshaahmad said:Inshaallah we will be fine I more crave water than food when I open my fast and won't eat much as usually shower then read prayers then bed lol
I know any gain I will get off so not so worried just puts me back by a couple of weeks!
You all settled in ok now sis? Must be so nice having the house Congrats!!!
katiebaby said:I'm the same I should be at my goal and beyond now yet I'm still 10lb away.