What a warm welcome back!
My family & friends were all very pleased and my dad was very proud of me. For the first few days people kept noticing and making remarks - made me feel quite self-conscious - but then they got more used to it which was good. For the first time in a very long time I wasn't the fat member of the family - notably the one who had been fat the longest. Several of my relatives asked about CD and some may consider doing CD or some other diet. CD is available in the US, but different. My dad's wife called (she wants to lose 10lb) and the CDC is in Florida while she is near Philadelphia. You order online and the CDC provides support via phone and online. I do hope some of them take up a diet - my two girlfriends are both very large and have related health issues - joint pain, achilles tendon, blood pressure... My step brothers are also large and in their father's side of the family, most of the men die in their 40s of heart attacks, so they need to be very careful.
Wardrobe is great and I'm looking forward to wearing it. However, because I knew I was going back on CD AND had limited room in the luggage, I bought on the smaller size. A lot of times I could go with either a 10 or a 12 with the 10 being a little small and the 12 being a little large and I took the 10. Now I really have to shift the weight I put on because you can see it in my midriff! Also I feel fat and yucky.
I start plan again on Monday 3 Sept. I was going to try to shift my US gain by eating salads and protein and not using CD products, but this morning decided that I would eat regular food for breakfast and lunch and have CD for dinner as that is my weakest point of the day. Then over the next days I'll do CD breakfast and dinner, with a normal lunch. Going ss 100% on 3 Sept will, I hope, be an easier step by then. Need to come up with a new weight goal - am thinking 60kg/132lb - course the last time I weighed that I was in my late teens/early 20s!
Not surprised you put on a bit of weight during this period. Between not getting enough water and fasting all day (so your body thinks it's in starvation mode), plus eating only at night when you are not as active so that whatever you eat gets stored away, I think it would be very hard not to gain some weight! Happily you will be off on holiday soon - and you are right that all the activities will help you manage things better. I think I would have gained far more in the US, but I did a lot of biking, swimming, walking! I don't know Cornwall at all, but have always wanted to visit; esp. the Eden project which I hear is really cool. You'll have to tell us all about it!
While you're off having fun, I'll be getting myself back on track and on CD (mostly). Have a great time on your holiday !!!