My dads much better, they sent him home last night and now has to wait up to 6 weeks for op appointment, been given pain killers incase he gets another arrack so not happy really!!
On a bad note i cracked yesterday which has made me angry i ate like i havent eatrn in years and i now feel like poop, i have a cold and came on my period this morning which made me cry as its another month wasted!
BUT after a long hot shower i am now optimistic, this extra month or however long it takes has given me more tine to loose weight and concentrate on my eating!
KIRA is my insperation here and doing a chart and counting down the days as she is amazingly near 50days so starting from today i will do my chart again grrr but 30 days at a time in case i fall pregnant obviously i spoke to my gp about ketosis and she said its fine whilst trying to concieve just gently work back up if i fall so here goes again i dont want to get weighed by my cdc till i know im out these blasted 16s i am sure she is getting fed up of me but hey we all struggle!
ALL u girls are amazing so here goes will catch up on diaries for my insperation!!! Have a gd day all