Wow, you're only 16! well, thanks to your hard work you set up to have great late teens and 20's. And i'd agree not to think about marriage until you've got your 20's out the way, theres a lot of fun to be had and lots of stuff to do. If you do it now, you'll be ready to settle down later. If I could go back and talk to my 16 year old self I would say not to sweat making decisions, even if what you decide to do turns out not to be the right choice, you can always change track. I remember giving myself a really hard time about making life path decisions when your age. But I'm late 30's now and most things have turned out fine. Oh yeah, you think you'll never get to this age, but you will, sort out a pension and save for a deposit for a house as early as you can. You will one day need a home of your own and an income for later =)