Morning Aza, yes I like Steinbeck, have you read "The Grapes of Wrath", makes an excellent read son. How was your weekend? Mine was OK, watched a lot of football yesterday though, so not all good.
LOL,Steinbeck's Great,I Love his style And nope ,I havn't read that one yet.Thankyou for the name -Will pick it up today-,Sounds like you had some fun

,My weekend's the same as always focus on losing and not putting on

Doing well now,1 stone - 1 1/2stone until im done hehe, Btw:Im not someone who really use's supplements but,I Found some i had a while back and started using them,Laterly ive eaten pretty much what i like (of course a healthy amount ) But im still losing,"Thyzine".On the 14th ill post a new update pal

,So Stoked,I'd never of thought id be able to lose so much weight,I'ts always been something ive struggled with,Finally i've changed my life

,This is going to be one fantastic summer holiday for me

Soo.. How was your football lol,Not much of a football fanatic myself,i'd prefer rugby though i don't watch it aswell
