My dad hates my mum going anywhere without him. They're married 30 years. He's trying to not let it get to him especially this holiday but he makes snide remarks and I know we'll never hear the end of it.
It makes me sad to think he'll never get it. I think he thinks I'll just snap out of it. But its like my brain just doesn't work the same as other peoples and all I can see are the bad things in life ya know? I have good says/weeks toi though! That's why he thinks I'm ok. Meds did help me but I hate going to the doctor and I hate admitting I'm still not coping. I think Sean thinks he can cure me himself. unfortunately it ain't that easy! He days things like "do I not make you happy?" And that makes me feel so guilty for feeling the way I do.
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Its crazy isn't it? I cud never be with someone who didn't "
allow" me hav my own life as well as a life with them.. I
need me time..
I know chic.. I'm not saying I get it completely myself but I think I have more of an understanding than most.. Probably because Kathy has had it for years n she's like a big sister to me so I spent allot of time with her looking after her kids etc to give her some alone time.. (She'd be in the house or out n about but home at night.. But so she had time for herself n didn't hav to worry about them)
Jono was making little smart comments too when I was going away.. Nothing bad or anything but just little snide comments.. But he was grand when I was over there.. No nagging texts n no huff if I didnt call.. I'd be snapping if he was away n didn't ring me and I wreckon i'd be texting all day n night every day n night ha ha..
I know its hard to admit sometimes when things get too much but best to admit it early on chic..
I know its completely different as it was grief and not depression but when my Mam died I wouldn't talk to any of my family or friends about how I was feeling.. Felt although I knew they were all there for me, they were going thru the loss too.. And I didn't wana upset them more by seeing me upset.. And I was tryna be the strong one for the ones I cud clearly see weren't coping.. (my 2 brothers!!) Eventually it all got too much and I was thinking horrible thoughts to get away from it all..
Anyway I went to see a councellor but that, I will be honest, was the hardest decision ever!!
I felt like such a failure not being able to get myself over it. People lose close family members everyday.. They can get over it. Why can't i?! That was my way of thinking at the time.. Looking back i'm like, frances ya sap.. Ya shud hav gone when it first got too much to handle but I was too "proud"..
You can't feel guilty for feeling as u do.. U dont control how u feel.. Stupid emootions do that for us!!
I think he probably feels guilty that he can't help u, n thinks he can use reverse pshycology as with a 'normal' situation.. (i use the word normal losely.. I'm not suggesting ur not normal..) x