Gold Member
Nah we get an "allowance" but it doesn't even pay for a meal. So we all have to fork out for it. But then the company will pay for flights and hotel for people from england who wanna come over to our party (we aren't invited to theirs and even if we were, we wouldn't be paid for). Certain people in here reap all the benefits of everyone elses hard work. So we're doing our own xmas party, just the 2 of us. 
Nope not even a small bonus Frances. Not even a bloody "Merry Christmas, thanks for all the unpaid overtime". They're ungrateful feckers. I'll be leaving in new year if things don't shape up for me in here by then.
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Nope not even a small bonus Frances. Not even a bloody "Merry Christmas, thanks for all the unpaid overtime". They're ungrateful feckers. I'll be leaving in new year if things don't shape up for me in here by then.
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