ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Nah we get an "allowance" but it doesn't even pay for a meal. So we all have to fork out for it. But then the company will pay for flights and hotel for people from england who wanna come over to our party (we aren't invited to theirs and even if we were, we wouldn't be paid for). Certain people in here reap all the benefits of everyone elses hard work. So we're doing our own xmas party, just the 2 of us. ;)
Nope not even a small bonus Frances. Not even a bloody "Merry Christmas, thanks for all the unpaid overtime". They're ungrateful feckers. I'll be leaving in new year if things don't shape up for me in here by then.

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Its called computershare. It seems to be just our section that's crap. The main company is based in australia and there's other parts based in america and canada and they all seem good. The one in england has a feckin swimming pool and subsidised canteen. We don't have a proper feckin water supply! Mental. Why am I HERE!?
Will look up that place you mentioned too Frances, sounds good!!

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Yea its luvly.. Its a bit pretentious TBH.. Not somewhere I'd choose to go myself.. But the food is great and my bosses are both very pretentious. They love whipping out the company CC.. So its right up their street!!

Ah right.. never heard of them.. I thought here was bad but ur place seems far tighter than here.. Didn't think it was possible!! ha ha
Oh its possible lol. I didn't think any company was this tight but I was wrong. I got a feckin bonus when I worked in costa making coffees but here... Nothing! Tight wads.

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Nah we get an "allowance" but it doesn't even pay for a meal. So we all have to fork out for it. But then the company will pay for flights and hotel for people from england who wanna come over to our party (we aren't invited to theirs and even if we were, we wouldn't be paid for). Certain people in here reap all the benefits of everyone elses hard work. So we're doing our own xmas party, just the 2 of us. ;)
Nope not even a small bonus Frances. Not even a bloody "Merry Christmas, thanks for all the unpaid overtime". They're ungrateful feckers. I'll be leaving in new year if things don't shape up for me in here by then.

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Yours is as bad as ours .... we have been given fook ALL ... no bonus for saving lives, no thankyou for bustin our guts due to minimal staff ..... just a meesly 1% pay rise in april whilst people on benefits have a 5% increase ...... makes me sooooo angry !!
MrsLmc said:
yip nursing incentives are crap. No christmas parties, no bonuses, no thanks. Its why we spend 4 years in college, getting shitty pay and work shitty hours!!!! *sigh*

I never knew u were a nurse Laura ....
MrsLmc said:
yip nursing incentives are crap. No christmas parties, no bonuses, no thanks. Its why we spend 4 years in college, getting shitty pay and work shitty hours!!!! *sigh*

Totally agree laura ... Xxxx
Oh aye. I spent 4 years busting my ass in college to get a shitty wage where I've had no raise in 2 years, no perks, no bonuses, overtime for free... Its all balls! What did I bother getting a degree for if I'm getting this kinda crap money for my "skills"? Ugh.

I've always thought nurses should be treated better than they are. Teachers seem to get paid well (in ireland anyway) and have perks... What about the people saving lives and coping with seeing ill people all day every day? I just don't understand it.

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I disagree re teachers... My friend is a teacher... One of the girls in her school fully qualified and 4 years exp behind her.. And her annual salary was €18.5k!!!
I left school early.. done no college.. Done a 13 week ECDL course and I'm better paid than she is..
Yea the get good holidays but who wants holidays if ya can't afford to enjoy them?! x
Oh well I've a teacher friend too and she seems to do fairly well for herself so that was just the example I was taking from for that observation. Sure I was being paid 18k when I started here, its only gone up a bit since. And most if it is taxed back off me anyway which really sucks. What's the point in going through college and the stress and all those exams and projects if it means bloody nothing at the end of it? *sigh*

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Yea its a joke this country!!! As I said, I didn't even finish school.. Am not well paid by any means but I come out with a good 6k per annum more than that girl (Elaine's friend) and my job pays 100% pension contribution (its with AON who hav told us we have a really good pension being paid for us.. One of the highest apparently), and the highest policy from VHI health AND dental.. So although the pays not the best we're looked after...
Yeah see we're not looked after at all. No pension. No health or dental. Cost me a fortune getting my teeth fixed this year and they still need work... I just can't afford it. Unreal.

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I need to go see a dentist now.. My wisdom tooth on the bottom feels like its started to grow again.. But there is NO room AT ALL for it.. So I need to go see if it is growing and talk about having it taken out.. I already want braces as it is so I dont want it pushing my teeth making them even more crooked..
I know its mostly paid for but its just finding the time and the thought of pain is scaring me :(
Oh man... I'm living with toothache the last few months because I simply can't afford any treatment and you gotta pay on the day. So unk just dealing with it. I have 3 wisdom teeth that are growing too and he said they might have to come out... I hope not. More money and pain. Ugh... I hate the dentist!! Is your wisdom tooth hurting you? X

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Oh no... That'll have to come out hon. you don't wanna end up with an infection or an abscess... I had an abscess before and man did that hurt! You got time to see a dentist before christmas even? X

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Dentists are ridiculous! Last year I had to spend 97 pound on a root filling on one back molar yet this year before I got my braces spent 16 pound on gettin two pulled ha! My dentist also charged me nearly 20 pound for a polish and scaling.

And I won't even go into what my orthodontic treatment is costing! I know a girl who spend 5,000 getting four teeth veneered! They def know how to make there money!