ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Starkissed your dental costs in the UK compared to ours her are for nothing.. Allot of people travel to the North to get dental treatment coz there's such a difference..
A polish and clean/scaling here is €75.. Standard grey filling is €70 and white are €95.. Root canal treatments are into the hundreds.. Never had a tooth pulled so no idea what that costs.. But I fear I might soon find out.. (for fear of pain, not cost!)
Jesus that's awful :( my root canal was 97 and I thought that was bad! Thank god I don't live in south as I'm always at unlucky with my teeth even tough I brush, floss and everything I can to avoid going!

Oh and don't worry about getting tooth out doesn't hurt a bit once they inject you and numb you! Just feels alot of pressure as they pull it! I got two out few weeks ago and there nothing compared to even a simple filling :) and I hate the dentist to point where I get gassed up at every visit even for a filling ha
Yea we're ripped off.. And I dont think we can even claim back a %age anymore from PRSI.. Though I am open to correction on that.. I dont know..
I'll let you know how much my visit costs me when I get my ass in gear to go... And I bet, even though I'v no pains r aches in any of my teeth, I guarantee I'll be told I need fillings...
I've paid out easily over 600 quid this year on the dentist. Nothing major was done? Few fillings replaced, clean and polish and xrays etc. costs a bloody fortune down here for dental care. My brother went up north for his braces and we saved a couple of grand.

Ok... I've had a tooth out... And I can honestly say I didn't have the sane experience as starkissed. It feckin hurt like a b1tch!! I never went back to that dentist. Blood everywhere. I was traumatized. :(

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Hiya, just on the dentist front, I go to the north, got some treatment done there at the start of the year, cost me about 500 sterling, it would have been 940 euros here, I couldn't aford it, pity because I hate taking trade away from local businesses but just couldn't afford it here.

Plus I got a tooth out and had no pain at all, and I'm hard to numb, she had to use twice the amount of numbing stuff, my heart started to race and everything. Was scary but not sore. If your dentist is good Francis you'll have no bother x
Oh hon don't worry that was a bad experience at a bad dentists... I never went back there. They didn't numb me enough and I felt terrible pain with it! I wouldn't say it would happen again at the dentist I go to now. Fillings aren't too bad. The bloody needle is worse than getting the filling lol. Its just uncomfortable is all. You'll be ok chick xx

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Nah, he'll get you back in again probably. Unless its just a small filling. And if it is, you'll not feel it. You must have good teeth do you? I've had terrible teeth since I was knocked down. Had to wear a brace so they didn't fall out as they were all broken under the gum. They've been crappy ever since no natter how much brushing and flossing I do!

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Well I duno.. I want braces.. I think I have crooked teeth but ever since I can remember as a kid asking the dentist for them they wouldn't give them.. Am sure if I was paying they'd have given but ya kno they way ya get free dental care under 16?? But I've always been told I've good teeth.. health wise they're fine.. :)
If you're teeth aren't badly crooked then they won't do braces no. I have a crooked tooth but not worth getting a brace over. Maybe you'd only need a retainer, ask the dentist next time you're in ;) x

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Don't be worrying about the dentist. They are very good now a days, explain things much better and pain management is much better. You'll be fine. I very rarely need anything done, just any work I needed done as a child re-doing.
MrsLmc said:
Don't be worrying about the dentist. They are very good now a days, explain things much better and pain management is much better. You'll be fine. I very rarely need anything done, just any work I needed done as a child re-doing.

Thanks hun x
Hey just wanted to ask you a quick question...just remembered you worked in a coffee shop :) I went to starbucks today and got a gingerbread latte when pointing it using the NI i noticed there was a load of dif milk types like skimmed, whole, soy, 2% i never really say what milk i want so i take it when a customer doesnt say what kind of milk, it would be whole milk they would use?

I wasted 8PP on a drink and 11PP on a mince pie...bah :\
Yes hon, "default" milk is whole fat milk unless the customer asks for something different. Don't worry hon, you'll know for next time that you can ask for it "skinny" and cut down on pps ;) xXx

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Hope u enjoy tgis :) xx
Well the tooth I've been having trouble with but can't afford to fix decided to break last night. Which will cost even more to fix. Been crying all night. Thinking I'm just going to have to get it extracted because that's the cheapest and quickest option... Very upsetting but thems the brakes :( OH offered to "help" but I don't feel comfortable taking money from him. Just my luck this happening right before Christmas when I'm broke as it is.

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Aww piss, bad luck seems to be doing the rounds. It probably is cheaper to get it out, will you see the gap were it is? I had to have one removed at the start of the year too because the cost to repair it was rediculous!