I'm in the bathroom at work bawling my eyes out right now. He's after telling me he blew near 500 quid to get himself a new phone while here's me struggling to make ends meet and buying him lunch, giving him my breakfast cuz he never brings anything etc. I'm really upset, I don't understand how he can be so selfish. He knows I'm struggling and doesn't seem to care, he just gives me a sad look and then goes on doing what he's doing? I've tried telling him before and he says he understands and doesn't expect me to pay for everything. But I'm still sitting here broke.
Problem is I'm the type of person who'll offer to pay (because he expects me to offer) but then he'll let me go ahead and pay when he knows I can't afford it. If I say I can't afford those things anymore then he says we won't do them... No movies, no dinners etc. because I can't pay for them!?
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