Yesterday was an absolute disaster girls and I'm gonna hold my hands up and admit how bad it was. Started off alright lol. Had a WW bagel, 2 low fat sossies & dry fried egg for brekkie! Then it all went wrong... We were dress shopping which was fine but my sister decided we were going for lunch in this wee chipper place. So I had chips & sausage - didn't eat it all but still! Then later I had a crisp sandwich & bowl of cereal. And I had snacks too - an apple pie and a boots shaper bar and couple biccies. I know how bad it is. I've toted it up to what I think it all is and took off 33 weeklies.
Can't believe how bad I was. Feeling a bit down & ashamed but I will just have to try harder during the week.
On another note my tummy is not thanking me today after all that junk!! Don't know how I used to eat all that before without feeling sick. Owwwie
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