azwethinkweiz said:The problem is how slow it is compared to how it used to be. I haven't gone off plan anymore than I usually do... Its kinda like I've had worse weeks where I've lost more dya know what I mean? I've never gone a week without treats or snacks of some kind so I didn't think that was it. Maybe it doesn't seem like I'm trying hard but I swear I am. I'll try harder this week. Gonna try and think up some menus for this week later...
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Mrsm79 said:Sarah I found evening meals easier on SF, stews, casseroles, chilli, bilognaises, stir frys, jacket potatoes with all fillings, and big salads. Potato wedges, omelette, beans. One night I had gammon, home made potato wedges and a poached egg it was lovely. For lunches, you can have wraps, bagels, petit pans,sandwiches, home made soups, salads, stir frys, jacket potatos pasta salads. Breakfasts, poached eggs, bacon medallions, porridge with frozen berries, fruit, shredded wheat, smoothies skimmed milk is free too
Hope you don't think I'm patronising it's just some ideas
*Claire-Bear* said:Sell it Tracy hehe. Sf Is soooooo refreshing as apposed to pointing everything that enters yer mouth xxxxxxx
Not patronizing at all Tracy... I think I'm just so used to having the same things now that I wasn't sure what I could have in evenings. I had a bagel this morning with a fried egg (frylight) and 2 low fat pork sausages (which are 1pp each, bargain). I had low spread on bagel so on SF would that be 3 weeklies used so far? I had a latte made with half skimmed milk, half hot water? That's 0 too isn't it? I just dunno if I'd know where to stop or when to start pointing something, does that make sense.
Frances, don't be silly... You know I appreciate your input ALWAYSxx
Claire, thanks hon but I'm wearing trackies so you can see thighs or tummy LOL. I don't get much support no and it can be hard for sure. Someone at work commented yesterday that I'd lost a lot of right (even though I've lost nowt since like november).
Good idea about measurements Frances, I have my old measurements round here somewhere tooxx
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*Claire-Bear* said:You can still tell someone is slim thru trackies my love !!!! so stop making excuses and accept your BLOODY GORGEOUS!!!! HEEHEEEE!! I honestly dont think weight matters wen u get to a certain point, as quite a few people recently have told me i look slim yet i hadnt lost a pound since last june ....... so i totally think the healthyness of your food is making you slim even if the scales arent showing that too .......... weight is such a hard thing to measure wen us women can be half a stone heavier one day, then half a stone lighter the next xxxxxxxxxx
CarlyLanky140 said:U lot are all stunners! Ur current weights are where I'm dreaming of lol! U all look so slim in pictures. It's funny that u can see how slim each other is but not urself! I love u all!
Sarah I defo think u should try sf. I defo will when my losses slow... Just for a kick start... The girls will kelp u right.. Tell them ur fave meals and between us we will make em sf. I worked the pps of my faves out at start in a little bookx