dream of being skinny
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azwethinkweiz said:Helen - lovelyI'm Sarah, I'm from Ireland, where are you from hon? Do you have a diary on here?
Ah you're only a couple inches shorter than me lol.
Yeah I think I'm getting fed up with being obsessed with food if that makes sense? Have started jogging lately though. The site is fab and the people are great on here! Don't think I would've got as far without them lol. This last half stone just doesn't want to go lol!! X
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I live in Dorset !! Don't have a diary but I read most peeps I don't know how you follow anyone but I stalk a few people lol !!! That last flipping half a stone is more stubborn than my boys lol !!!
Obsessed with food defiantly makes sense I wish I wasn't but that's the down side off being on diets or change of life style you think about every thing that you put in your mouth ( dirty mind lol sorry ) but if I didn't then I would start gaining x