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Don't lie to the doctor for your mums sake, Antidepressants take upto to 6 months to have any effect! on average they take 6-12 weeks to work! be honest with your doctors and sod your mums opinion she isn't in your head <3
Well she was there. Giving it full barrel about how useless the pills are. Fortunately for me the doctor sat there, folded her arms, listened to my mum and then said "after talking to Sarah the times she was here with me before, I _do_ think she is clinically depressed" then went on to say about how long the medication takes to work and that I might benefit from counseling or CBT. I like that doctor. I have to go back to her next week again but have been signed off work another week now because she wants to give the pills another week... Had a nice chat to her on my own too.
I wish I had words to express how thankful I am to my doctor. She even said she would ring my mother to talk to her about my condition to try and make her more understandable & patient with me. I feel like a weights been lifted a bit.
I really appreciate everyone here coming on my diary and giving me advice too xx
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azwethinkweiz said:Thanks Frances. Appreciate that. Doubt they'll see it that way but sure I'd probably be no good to them the way I've been the last week. Hoping I'll feel better next week xx
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Dubchick81 said:Well u just forget them for now n concentrate on number 1! Xxx
BoS83 said:Hey Sarah,
I'm so glad u have an understanding doctor. It really does make things easier on you to know there is someone there unconditionally for you! And use her as such!
Unfortunately sometimes people listen more to professionals that anybody else so hopefully ur mum will come around once a professional is backing up what uve been saying all along.
I know it's hard worrying about work (I was out for 5months with my back) but u come first and that's all that matters. Take the time u need for meds to kick in and everything else comes after...
Hugs hon. Hope they start to kick in soon. xx
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azwethinkweiz said:Quite low. Been lying in my room for about 5 hours now. I will get up now I think. I am overeating since starting on my medication again which is making me feel terrible too. Can't seem to control it? Just hungrier than I usually am and I dunno why!? So strange and annoying.
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blonde_sue said:Aww u poor thing :-(
At least u still do a lot of excercise though!
Its more important to get better than worry bout your diet x
azwethinkweiz said:Thanks hon. I am trying to get better. Just don't wanna put on a load of weight but at the same time don't have the motivation for the diet at the moment. I might try start afresh tomorrow though. X
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