Gold Member
What men are getting up in your beef?? Need me to do a Katie Taylor on their ass?? LOL
I know so excited for the fight.. Had intended on FLYING home to watch it, but want to go to Iceland on my way home and its not even 5 mins from my work, so I'd be completely back trackin' so am gona stay in work til after the fight, then go to Iceland, then home..
Well done on no snacking today.. That's good going.. I have no doubt you can carry it on thru the evening.. Tho it is hard.. I've gone so snacky in the evenings.. Stupid living with a boy got me into biccies n the likes so now I like a little something.. Tho I do have fruit in now so I can at least pick at that (got some in last night)
Ah just these exes I work with. Get em outta my face lol
I can't believe it! She WON! Lil ole Ireland has a gold medal We're grand aul fighters lol. We watched it here in work on the projector. Someone bought a load of crisps, chocolate and sweets for the occassion. I didn't have any *proud face* Just had a drink of sugar free squash. I even have wotsits sitting on my desk that I haven't eaten yet (I'm saving them for the car ride home heehee).
I don't mind having _some_ snacks but I was just going overboard lately. My snacks were turning into a LOT of calories...
These boys make us put on weight I'm telling ya... Shoving biccies and things in our faces just because they don't gain weight the way we do. Boo hiss to them x