I know that my manager thinks I'm a good worker. And my boss says my work is good and they don't want to lose me (if I get this job I'd leave though).
I'm very bad at interviews. Being confident is going to be really tough but I'll try my best. I'm quite shy and embarrass easily. I get flustered. I really don't want to mess it up which makes me think I definitely will hahaha!!
Good tips.. I have no job spec to work off because the frickin agency never got back to me with it *sigh* so I'm gonna read up a lot on the company. I think the fact that one of my previous colleagues is now working there might work in my favour (I hope).
Thanks for saying it shows character but I think it would be a dealbreaker for a new job because they'd be afriad I'd go off sick again or something.
OH I also have 2 weeks holidays booked in Sept. Not sure if this is something I need to mention to a prospective job?
I don't have many smart clothes (my job at the mo I can wear any aul duds - I am a software developer after all so no one sees us

). Would a black dress be ok (not a fancy thing, like a tunic type thing). Heels or flats, does it matter? AAAGH I'm nervous!!!!