That's good. No news is good news as they say

Ugh coldsores... My mum suffers awful with those once the weather gets cold. I'm fairly lucky though. Rarely, if ever, get one. Thought I had one last year but not sure if it was or not. My hands are really rough now... Skin is gone all dry! Must be the cold lol!
Haha... Its just another excuse for me to not do any exercise

I've been too lazy this week. Not sleeping right so I think I'm just knackered really ya know?
Still suffering awful with that nausea since my meds changed... I'm not eating all that much - I'm trying to force myself to eat even though I have no appetite. I even bought a wispa thinking "at least I know I'll eat this". Didn't touch it and have no desire for it or any other food. And my mouth is so dry all the time so I'm drinking plenty of water.
I'm not sure what to do, maybe I should ring the hospital to see what they think? (The Mental hospital I mean, not 999 lol). I'm hating this nausea I have to say.
Everything still moving forward with the house? Saw the picture of your "puppy" there - he's getting so big!! He'd eat my dog for brekkie lol
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