Gold Member
Oh hunny I'm sending you hugs use this site to rant were all here I'm sorry you've had a horrible time
Morning hunnie.. So sorry I wasn't here to support you yesterday.. What an absolute dick! How dare he speak to a patient like that?! Or anyone in fact. I'm glad you're gona report him. Doesn't he realise his job and the impact his words could potentially have on a person suffering depression?! I've never had any first hand experience with it and I wreckon I have more of an understanding than that "qualified! knobend!!Must look into slimming world a bit more Frances... might be a nice change!
Hiya Tracy hon, you okay? X
Had the worst day today... good god...
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
Wayne Dyer
I've nothing really to add that hasn't already been said Sarah, I'd continue to go see 'SoSad', they are a brilliant service, full of fully trained professionals (most of which had at one time worked for the HSE but found they couldn't stick it, I had a placement there), they will give you more support that the HSE can anyway.
The nurse does sound like an arse. I kinda know what he was saying, but he said it all wrong. Treatment of depression is only successful if the person is as proactive as possible BUT with lots of support on the sideline from a team of Mental Health professionals guidance!! He should see that you need a bit of support to get into a good place. Don't give up just because of one inept nurse, go see your psychiatrist and explain what happened.
Come here to talk, and I would urge you to take Frances up on her offer. A friend is very useful during trying times xxxx (((Sarah)))
Who the f*** is Wayne Dwyer?
The person who made that quote removed it funnily enough!!
Good, coz I was ready to pounce!!!
I'm hereStill alive. Thanks everyone for checking in!
Gradually gaining back weight at the mo unfortunately. I really don't want to but keep binging on crap. Start every day saying "not today" and then I end up doing it anyway. Motivation has gone way down, dunno how to get it back again!?