Gold Member
I have to start again. Had days where I wasn't eating anything and days where I binged like a mad woman.
Fresh start again... I need a slap round the face!
Me too. X
I have to start again. Had days where I wasn't eating anything and days where I binged like a mad woman.
Fresh start again... I need a slap round the face!
I'm being sabotaged by a jealous work colleague. Hard work. This week has bed. Bad so far and though the scales say 17st7..... I weighed in last Sunday at 17st5. I'm now17st 8. So +3lbs.![]()
I am vaguely on trackyou ok? X
I must be! How odd!! I think we are all prob in the same frame of mind!
Car looks beaut!!! I think it's nearly time for me to have a new one!!!
One questions.... What is bundy??
Hey hunnie.. Was meant to write in yer thread this morning but forgot.. How are ya? You doing Thursday WI's now?? Me too.. While i'm not able to make class at least.. Have had an awful few weeks n WI on Tuesday showed a 6.5lb gain the prob 4 weeks.. Got to get that down.. So WI this morning and gona go by that as my starting (again) weight ..
Your food looks great for today.. Plenty of F&V in there.. Well done you
Car is fab.. You loving it?
PS.. Not surprised you can't afford much on Sick Benefit!! Its a joke!! Jonathan's getting it while off with his arm.. Good job we were sensible when getting our mortgage is all I will say!!!
Aaahhh! I thought it might have been
My car has a pheasant hole in the front grill. It's massive. I've also lost 2 hub caps and it needs a good scrub. You're braver then I am! Too cold!!!!!
OMG are them works still going on??? They really are taking their time aren't they?! Hopefully the van was just there to slow ppl and not actually recording.. Which is sometimes what they do.. Fingers crossed...You did well to get that down a bit this morning though. I'm not moving down at all and really need to - I can feel the difference in my clothes and I'm hating it. Determined to have a few good weeks in a row now before my bday (no doubt I'll have a few drinks and cakes then eh)
I LOVE my new car... so much more comfortable to drive. Loving parking sensors too, wondering how I parallel parked without them before haha!
Oh no... poor Jono. Sick benefit is bloody disgraceful to be honest. I'm finding it hard to stretch it. My insurance was 680 which was the cheapest and best value for money I could find (FBD) after trawling the internet for 2 days straight.
Broke the screen on my phone which will cost 130 to fix apparently...
AND think I got caught by a speed camera van on the M1 in Dublin where those roadworks are (that seem to be there forever) doing 80km (I didn't realise the speed had slowed down again to 60km, it's just as you're leaving Dublin and the speed goes back up to 120)
So I'll be stung for that no doubt. Fair to say I had a completely **** week and I'm broke and can't go anywhere or do anything lol. But I'm doing little things instead. Trying to grow my nails back after chewing the life outta them so have given them a paint (got some new varnishes on offer).
Sigh. Hope your week has been better my dear LOL xxx
OMG are them works still going on??? They really are taking their time aren't they?! Hopefully the van was just there to slow ppl and not actually recording.. Which is sometimes what they do.. Fingers crossed...
Ugh.. Insurance prices are a joke!! I've mine coming up next month.. Dreading what prices I'm gona get.. Last year was 300 soemthing but with the new equality laws only God knows what it'll be!! Do you have a full license??
I had to get a new driving license last week.. EUR55!!!! :Eek: Mine's up since 21st March.. Was a tad late getting it.. Oops..
My NCT is up since Feb and got an email yesterday to remind me to tax my car by the end of this month.. So I feel yer pain...
My weeks not been too bad for a change.. Hasn't been in any way exciting as I'm broke as a joke with every spare penny going in to the house.. Getting there now thank God.. The insurance money has gone a long way but still quite a bit to go.. Am gona be in debt to Jono for a long time!!! Great!! ha ha
Am off drink ATM so no nights out and have made a deal with myself to not buy myself any clothes or makeup etc that I don't "need" (As in if I see a dress for like EUR60, i'm not allowed buy it just coz... But if I "need" soemthing (trousers for work or the like) its OK) No luxuries I suppose is the best way to put it.. Until I can afford them.. I need to start paying Jono back what I owe.. For my own peace of mind.. Wanting to get a little PT job on top of my current one in order to bring in an extra little bit.. Harder than I thought..
Oh yeah the works are still in full swing. And the van was there at nightime too when there aren't even any works being done. The camera did flash. It flashed a few times because me and all the cars around me were going the same sort of speed. Who knows. Could've done without a fine and penalty points though eh lol. We'll see I suppose.
I have a full licence and no points (yet). If I was in Dublin and had a couple more years no claims it'd be a lot cheaper. Last year I paid 850. This year the same crowd quoted me 986. Not a chance I was paying that lol.
I know what you mean about no luxuries. I'm definitely in the same boat there. If I need something I'm shopping around for it and trying to get the best deals all the time. Basically sitting at home here trying to keep occupied now lol. Thinking about volunteer work.
Any jobs these days seems hard to find, I'm sure something will pop up - don't go working yourself too hard though!! Xx
I know yea.. Need to be careful working full time and then evenings/weekends.. But needs must.. No hope of a raise in pay here at the mo.. They're possible letting ppl go in a month or so, so no hope!
I thought my personal loan was finished in May this year and was planning on continuing paying out that money but to Jono instead of the bank.. That way I wouldnt' notice paying him off coz I pay that out anyway.. But its not up til next May
So want to at least start paying him off...