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Nope me too hun!! Men just don't get it!!x
azwethinkweiz said:I think Sean tries to be supportive but doesn't really get it. Everytime we have maccers or something he gives me this "look" and I feel like I have to explain I'm still counting points etc.
My mum just doesn't wanna know. And I don't tell my friends because I was embarrassed about my weight...
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porterg1 said:Whilst we're having a rant about men, why go they lose weight faster than us! Defo coming back as a bloke next time. X
Totally understand what you mean. My oh has no idea what I weigh and although he tries to be supportive it doesn't always come across that way. Like last night at my mums for dinner I got there late n everyone had already eaten so I basically just picked at left overs. So I had one slice of pizza some prawn crackers and some chicken n black bean sauce. I didn't even have it on a plate and I hardly eat much at all. Then when we got home he was like "you had a rare wee feast to yourself tonight eh?!" Oh my word it was like a red rag to a bull, why would you say that? What normal person watches what someone else eats?! I went to bed after that cos I wanted to smash him in the face!!
But we are all so genuinely happy for you hun and you need to remember you're doing this for yourself and no one else matters!!xx
azwethinkweiz said:Its weird cuz I actually had a depressive "episode" yesterday rather than being happy. Did some exercise today and feel a bit better now. XxX
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