ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

azwethinkweiz said:
I think Sean tries to be supportive but doesn't really get it. Everytime we have maccers or something he gives me this "look" and I feel like I have to explain I'm still counting points etc.
My mum just doesn't wanna know. And I don't tell my friends because I was embarrassed about my weight...

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Sarah I know me and you are very similar when it comes to who knows about our WW, but I just wondered, do the friends that don't know about it ever ask you, like comment on how you look? None of mine do. I've got 2 friends who know and they do but the ones who don't know never say "oh have you lost weight" I find it quite disheartening. I'm negative anyway about it I can't see much difference but I'd love people who don't know to comment and no one has.

Is this really attention seeking of me?

Oh hon, sounds like my OH sometimes. He watches what I'm eating and makes digs about being "healthy". That was mean about the "rare feast". Hardly a feast? I hate being made feel like I should be eating lettuce leaves all the time? My mum sees me eating choccie or maybe like quiche or something and says "i dunno how you're losing any weight at all". Uncalled for.

Tracy, I have 2 friends (my closest) that know that I've been trying to lose weight (they don't know what I weighed) and one of them does say she can see the loss. Other friends haven't noticed at all though so I know how you feel. Only people who know comment... Never had someone who doesn't know comment on it :(

Men lose weight faster because they are genetically designed to have more muscle mass and less fat. Their attitude to weight is entirely different too. They don't beat themselves up the way women do. Also, apparently men are more attracted to meat than carbs whereas women love carbs more (this is all "in general" lol). It is annoying for sure. My OH made a couple healthier choices over last few weeks and the pounds just FELL off him :(

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porterg1 said:
Whilst we're having a rant about men, why go they lose weight faster than us! Defo coming back as a bloke next time. X

Omg, totally agree, my fella lost a stone on pro points and then gave it up. He eats what he wants and weighed himself the other day, put on 0.2 kg ..pisses me off so much, I only have to look at a cake and gain a pound! Xxx
Totally understand what you mean. My oh has no idea what I weigh and although he tries to be supportive it doesn't always come across that way. Like last night at my mums for dinner I got there late n everyone had already eaten so I basically just picked at left overs. So I had one slice of pizza some prawn crackers and some chicken n black bean sauce. I didn't even have it on a plate and I hardly eat much at all. Then when we got home he was like "you had a rare wee feast to yourself tonight eh?!" Oh my word it was like a red rag to a bull, why would you say that? What normal person watches what someone else eats?! I went to bed after that cos I wanted to smash him in the face!! ;)

But we are all so genuinely happy for you hun and you need to remember you're doing this for yourself and no one else matters!!xx

Haha could have written this myself...they must all be exactly the same!!!!
Well done on ur loss hun! Oo to be in the 10s!! U lucky lady u x u done it!!! Feel great about it hunni xx
Its weird cuz I actually had a depressive "episode" yesterday rather than being happy. Did some exercise today and feel a bit better now. XxX

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azwethinkweiz said:
Its weird cuz I actually had a depressive "episode" yesterday rather than being happy. Did some exercise today and feel a bit better now. XxX

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Good lass xxx
Good good sarah. Exercise always makes me chirpy =) its just the makin yerself do it thats hard = p
Well done mrs!!! Hello 10s... Goodbye 11s forever :) xx
It did take my mind off things, thanks Claire xx
Thanks Carly, hopefully but I've a holiday coming up so well probably gain. As long as I'm IN the 10s for xmas I'll be happy.

I'm frigging dosed today. Its a bank holiday here and I'm sick! How annoying. I must start taking a multivitamin our something because I feel like I'm catching evening the last while :( coughing a lung up here today... Boo..

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Oh... Just looked at my stats there and I've gotten to my 10% on propoints now! Brill :)

If anyones interested, the total percentage I've lost since I started dieting (so discovery + propoints) is 23% ;)

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Thanks hon, was a nice surprise this morning to see the stats lol! X

Aye I took benilyn 4flu so gonna keep myself drugged up and hope to be better later lol. ;) hope you're well hon xx

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Love a good pj day!! I had a bold weekend and used a lot of weeklies lol... Maybe I can pull it back if I'm lucky ;)
Are the kids going trick or treating later?? X

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We are all going into Derry in the north tonight, they do a massive fireworks display and everyone dresses up, there be's loads of families and I think it is the biggest Halloween celebrations in Ireland. My daughter is dressed up as a little witch with wings, and the baby has count dracula babygrow, hubby is a big devil and I haven't a clue what to wear, sister-in-law gave me bat girl outfit for last night so I'll prob wear that doing anything later?x
Bat girl lol! Very good! My lil niece was dressed like a pumpkin last year, was so funny looking ;)
No no I'm not doing anything, just feeding the trick or treaters I think. OH wants to go see paranormal activity 3 (but I'm a massive scaredy cat :p)

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