ProPoints Azwethinkweiz (Sarah)s new food diary!

Bat girl lol! Very good! My lil niece was dressed like a pumpkin last year, was so funny looking ;)
No no I'm not doing anything, just feeding the trick or treaters I think. OH wants to go see paranormal activity 3 (but I'm a massive scaredy cat :p)

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omg not a chance would I watch that, I can't even watch the ads on the tv for it
MrsLmc said:
omg not a chance would I watch that, I can't even watch the ads on the tv for it

Oh wow and I was thinking it was just me that was too afraid to see it lol! The ads are horrid and they're just the ads!! I'm very bad at horror movies.

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I'm a big scaredy cat too ha. Will not watch horror movies!! Luckily my oh isn't a fan either ha :) my Halloween Celebrations on sat night finished me off for Halloween ha :( still hanging now!!! Wine is the devil :(
My OH is a huge horror fan. So he's still trying to convince me to go to it. Last time I went to a horror movie people were laughing at me lol. I'm a "yelper" at horror movies :p "eeeeep!"

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Funny you lot discussing horror movies, my husband (who normally faints at the slightest drop of blood) put on the human centipede last night it was on the si fi channel. It is the most awful film I've ever seen. I'm really disturbed by it today. Normally things like that don't bother me but OMG if you haven't seen it don't!!!!!!

Laura my daughter doesn't need a witches outfit.

I saw paranormal activity 3 and OMG its well scary ... I screamed out loud! And wow sarah that's a massive percentage of loss =) xxx
*Claire-Bear* said:
I saw paranormal activity 3 and OMG its well scary ... I screamed out loud! And wow sarah that's a massive percentage of loss =) xxx

Really?? Few ppl on fb hav said it's rubbish. Other 2 done nothin to scare me so wasn't gona bother watching it. Hate scary movies but sometimes ya need a good auld scare :D
Dubchick81 said:
Really?? Few ppl on fb hav said it's rubbish. Other 2 done nothin to scare me so wasn't gona bother watching it. Hate scary movies but sometimes ya need a good auld scare :D

Its very jumpy. I dunno how they cant be scared at it tbh xxx
I wasnt scared of the first paranormal activity but the ads for the new one look scary.

I wouldn't even try to watch the human centipede, its supposed to be disgusting.

I've only used 5pp today so far. Not like me, I'm definitely not well :( laaaame.

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I dont do scary films im afraid i dont c point of being scared to death n jumping out me skin! I am a big girls blouse lol x
I only do halloween for grandkids other kids can go away lol am so mean x
Awaiting my lil hannah coming round i think she is dressing as a pirate bless her xx
My OH enjoys the feeling of being scared but unfortunately I'm not really the same. Things play on my mind after movies like that lol.

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azwethinkweiz said:
I wasnt scared of the first paranormal activity but the ads for the new one look scary.

I wouldn't even try to watch the human centipede, its supposed to be disgusting.

I've only used 5pp today so far. Not like me, I'm definitely not well :( laaaame.

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It was absolutely horrendous Sarah, just wrong and so disturbing. I will never watch anything like that ever again.

Ive seen the human centipede and jesus, its wrong wrong wrong! Who even had the thoughts like that's to make a film of it xxx
Ok. Some bad news today. My OHs granny just died early this morning. I'm only with him 8 months & I've never met his granny. I've never actually been in this situation with any of my exes before either. I'm not a religious person at all but I know his family kinda is and I'm afraid I'll do something "wrong" so to speak. I don't know whether I'm supposed to go to the funeral or the wake or what I'm supposed to say/do (saying "I'm sorry" seems trivial?). I feel so useless at the moment.
You just tell him your there for him 100% ... Personally I would only go if he needed me there as people mourn in different ways .. Some ppl like to be left alone, some ppl like to be surrounded by loved ones, hang in there xxx
Yeah you see I would prefer to be alone or just with family if it was me but I dont know what he wants or expects me to do and unfortunately I know nothing about religious services etc.
I'll be there for him of course but don't want to be "in the way" either iykwim?
Errrm, is he deeply religious? would the service be deeply religious? i went to my nans funeral and that was just lovely, obviously sad but a fabulous way to say goodbye. you could simply ask him if he would like a shoulder to lean on in the service? or whether he prefers to do it alone ...... esp as hes a man, men may wanna cry alone xxxx
He wouldnt be deeply religious himself but the family would be quite religious (Catholic) and go to mass every sunday. I know in the service that family sit in the first few rows of the church and everyone else stays at the back so I would really be there alone rather than "with" him if ya know what I mean... but I dunno if I'm supposed to be there or not. I've just told him I'm here if he needs me etc.
I dunno if I'm supposed to send flowers or a card or something (mass card is it??)
O dear, im not religious so i dont know how it works ... sometimes ppl prefer a donation to the chapel etc instead of flowers ... if u have to sit alone, then there is no point in you being there ... or as a girlfriend couldnt you sit up front with him? xxxx