Baby Charlie has arrived so lets get on with shedding the rest of this wobble!!!

:D :D :D
Good Evening all

I have just had my dinner and OH BOY was it tasty,,,, and filling *insert big ole fatta podge here* :p
In the end I just cooked an onion, 1/2 cauli and 1/2 broccoli in the micro (having read that it preserves 90% of the vit C in broccoli as apposed to steaming which preserves 66%)-oooooh and apparently it should make me less errrrm stinky :p -which would be really appretiated by anyone in a 100m radius of me :giggle:
Then I whalloped together 350g 0.1* quark, salt n pepper 1tsp mustard powder, 3 eggs and 96g strong cheddar (3xheA) -poured it over and baked -ooooh tis nommy and I have 2 big serving left :happy036:
the cheesey sauce reminds me of lancashire/cheshire cheese when it melts as it "gives" but doesn't go runny

So thats me done with eating for the day ..
oooh and I have just had notification that the game I pre-ordered has been despatched :clap: -its this one:-

Exerbeat Gym Class Workout (Wii): PC & Video Games

It looks quite fun -better be better than the wii zumba :cross: Anyway I will get off again-have a great evening all and keep at it....
Sounds lovely...I do veg in the micro quite often actually, mainly out of laziness, but I find it is really tasty done like that.

I find I really struggle in the evenings, as we have our dinner around 5pm (sometimes a bit earlier) as I find the two little ones eat their dinner SO much better when we all eat together. The problem is I rarely go to bed before midnight so I am always STARVING around 9-10pm, which is understandable given how long it has been since I last ate! I don't like to eat bread late at night, in fact I try to avoid bread for the most part and just have a slice now and then as it doesn't really agree with me! Really lacking in ideas to be honest.

Evening Capricorn, well done on another fab day! The veggie cheese dish sounds lovely! I'm really getting into quark in savoury dishes. I don't like it very much in cheesecake or moussey things as I don't think it carries a sweet taste very well but in pasta sauce, quiche, potato salad etc it is gorgeous!

WI for me today and 2lbs down so happy days!!!

Take care and catch up soon xxx
Good Morning all

Ecky thump, its really dark here this morning -its drizzling but there just has to be a big ole storm on its way :cross:

So then after much umming and ahhing here is todays meal plan -red carb curfew as usual......
  • pineapple
  • veggies cheese (A)
    [*]71g peas (B)
  • 198g stewed apple (B)
  • prawns
    [*]avocado (6)
    [*]tickled cabbage
    [*]tickled beetroot
    [*]tickled onions
  • 250ml semi (A)
SO I make that 2A+B and 8.5 syns
I don't know why but I don't fancy "bulky" carbs today :confused:-so Im having a my beloved frozen garden peas... AND Im not normally bothered about stewed fruit either but 1)it uses up a heB easily and 2)I have some apples that want using :clap:

Mel -I used to have the same thing -I would do our evening meal about 6pm and then find myself getting the "mmmm I could eat something nice" head on..... now I eat my last meal at 7pm I don't need anything after -well sometimes I *think* I do -but I won't let myself :p..
Could you perhaps break your evening meal up into 2 plates so that you sit down with everyone else to eat -but then can zap the other half when you get hungry later? you could just split the main part in 2 and still fill your plate with the veggies/salad so the littlies don't wonder why mummy isn't eating much.

CherryPie -I have never much liked quark sweetened either but out here you can get it with herbs in, chilli etc .... I usually stick to the plain one for cooking but I like the herby one on crispbreads etc.
Well done on your loss my lovely :happy096:

Right I will get off and make a cuppa and ring mum doubt I will be back later to catch up and ramble some more :p
Have a great day everyone!!!!
Thanks, I suppose I could, but truthfully I am hungry at 'dinnertime' I think I really just need to find myself a nice supper that I could eat at about 8pm that way it should see me though. I kept some soup at the ready for last night, but for some reason I actually wasn't hungry last night. Most likely because we are all a bit sniffly here!

Doesn't look very 'filling' to me, your menu for today:eek:?? I'm sure you know what you are doing though;)
Thanks, I suppose I could, but truthfully I am hungry at 'dinnertime' I think I really just need to find myself a nice supper that I could eat at about 8pm that way it should see me though. I kept some soup at the ready for last night, but for some reason I actually wasn't hungry last night. Most likely because we are all a bit sniffly here!

Doesn't look very 'filling' to me, your menu for today:eek:?? I'm sure you know what you are doing though;)
You haven't seen how much salad I have :sign0151:
Trust me I have loads for today -there is loads of cauli n broccoli in the veggie cheese mmmmmmm. As long as I get my protein in Im fine...its really odd -but Im getting really good at reading my body, so I Just "knew" with how I felt this morning that I wouldn't want potato, beans etc :confused:

oooh what about "crustless quiche" to keep in the fridge for "snacky-poos" .... I love mine made with feta :drool: -and its nice warmed up or cold....
Hi Capricorn:) I've just found jillian michael's podcasts on iTunes. They are free & quite good. Thought you might like them:) x
Hi Capricorn,

Trying to get back into the swing of things a bit more so thought I'd pop by and see how you are xx

Nice to see you are still doing so well hunni, and still motivating everyone else as usual xx

Bet your hubby is a very proud man xx
  1. and by far the worst(for me) Lipo Trim :9529:-we won't go into details about the constipation, bad breath etc :wave_cry:

Hi Capricorn, I came across your brilliant diary when I was looking through SW forum. I have been on Slimming World diet on and off for years but it never worked for me. I would shed a few pounds then lose heart and drop out. I started with Slimming World once again earlier this year but only managed to lose 8 Ibs in 2 months. I decided on Lipotrim because I need fast results for the pending operation. I know you are not too keen on Lipotrim but it does work.
I only intend to stay on LT for short time ( I don't want to lose my hair, one of the side effects) then I intend to go back to Slimming World.
Looking at your diary and daily chit chat I can see why I failed miserably. You plan well, you incorporate speed food, you count your syns, generally you are very relaxed about the whole thing. I intend to keep a similar journal when I reach that stage.
I am worried that I will pile back all the weight lost on LT with Slimming World, after all one is allowed to "eat as much you want". LT is very restricted nothing should pass your lips other than the shakes. No wonder such a loss in short time but if you have huge amount to lose I think it is the DIET.
Anyway well done with the weight loss and a superb diary:D
Goood Morning all -gawd knows why, but I was up at 6am :eek:. Im wondering if its because I have been getting up for the gym at this time so my body is getting used to it :confused: -If so-well it can stop and learn to behave itself at weekends :p

Hubby is having a bit of a lie in -he could do with it after being up at sill o'clock the last couple of days playing 4 rounds in total... we are off to play badminton later -who knows -his kn*ckered state might give me a chance to beat him *I doubt it -but I can try* :D -Its only our 4th time I think-but Im not doing to bad if I do say so myself :p

Mini-mog, I will have to get hubby to have a look for those as Im a complete :silly: with most things even remotely technical :giggle: At the moment my ipod has just Poison on it *ahhhhhh* -its quite fun jogging on the treadmill to "unskinny bop" -quite appropriate I think ;) -the only problem is I findmyself trying to bounce along to the tune rather than jogging smoothly (bet I look a wonderful site).
How are things with you? having a good week I hope!!

Hiya Dawny my lovely :flowers:- nice to see you about..and thankyou for coming to "visit" my rambling :D. It sounds like you are all doing your dad proud, he must have been so proud to have such a loving, caring family and Im sure it gave him peace to know that you would all have each other to help you get through such an awful time, I hope you are finding plenty of "me" time to chill out and re-charge your batteries.
You take care of yourself Mrs.... talk soon...

Hi Dolphin :worthy: -to anyone who can stick with Lipotrim :p. I know that it works and that it works fast -but boy oh boy there isn't enough money in the world that would get me back on it :giggle:. I have been veggie, vegan and done most diets but NEVER have I had such "toilet issues" in my life :sigh: -I swear there were points where hubby was on the verge of calling an ambulance because of the pain I was in :eek: . I even had those fibre crystals to go with the stuff and that didn't make any difference. It wasn't nice for hubby either *or anyone else in close proximity* as I had breath like a badgers bum :eek:.
There was me. my 2 sisters and my mum who all tried it but it obviously wasn't for us as we all put the weight straight back on *oops*
I can appretiate though that if you have time constraints in which you need to lose a lot then Lipotrim may be your answer.

I admit that Im generally super organised with SW -but that allows me to relax and get on with it... I have never found weight loss so easy :bliss:. Im lucky as I LOVE salad/veg -so getting my super free in is a doddle ;).
Like you, the reason I avoided SW for so long was that the idea of "free" foods scared the hell out me I had visions of :17729: -but I realised that its "eat as much as you NEED" and not as much as you WANT and my appetite is much smaller than it used to be -at one time I could eat a pea more than a pig :rotflmao:

I wish you the best of luck with Lipotrim and hope your op goes well!!

Well folks -here is my red carb curfew for the day:-
  • 28g oats (B)
    [*]activia (2.5)
    [*]mixed berries
  • hm ox burger
    [*]onions+cucumber in balsamic
    [*]tickled beetroot
    [*]tickled cabbage
  • 396g stewed apple (B)
  • sirloin steak
    [*]1/4tsp oil
    (0.5) - to stir fry
  • onions
    [*]baby corn
  • 500ml semi (2 x A)
So then -I make that 2A+B and 5.5 syns I will add a couple more syns when I discover what Im throwing into the beef to make the sauce ;)

I have made 2 new discoveries...
  1. I LOVE stewed apple -so thats an easy way to deal with heBs -
  2. AND I love yoghurt stirred into my oats with mixed berries -eaten straight away -its much nicer than if you leave it to saok all night
I have never been interested in cooked fruit much -BUT I simply sliced my apple into thick pieces and zapped in the micro -and I ate it luke warm-it kept its shape and was scrummy :D

Well I have some bread dough proving -so I can make hubby a pizza and just a few bread rolls so he can have a crispy bacon sandwich before he goes out to golf in the morning. I don't make bread as often now -well as you know I have hubby "on plan" too -but as an occasional treat will be fine...

Right I should stop yapping and get on with finishing my meal plan for next week...
Have a great day everyone and keep up the great work :D
Doing an excellent job as usual!
Goood Morning all --but I realised that its "eat as much as you NEED" and not as much as you WANT -------- and hope your op goes well!!
my red carb curfew for the day:-

Thank you Capricorn for your reply. Man! You have a way with words, you should take writing up! Or become a CHEF on your return to the UK, I will visit your place or become SW Consultant, I will join your group if you are somewhere in the North West.:D
Yes, I agree there is a difference between NEED and WANT. When we go shopping and pile everything in sight in the trolley, do we NEED all that? The answer probably is NO.
I have noticed in your daily dairy, there is not much mention of RICE, PASTA or BREAD although you are following EE. I used to find green and red days difficult. With Extra Easy if you throw everything in, provided you control your "fats" and "sauces" intake, I thought you were there. But not so, reading your diary. Is there a particular reason for not including Rice or Pasta in your diet?
There is an occasional mention although I haven't read all the 140 pages yet, it will take me ages to get through it.
I hope you don't mind me asking these questions, I am planning ahead and I intend to follow your diary and raise questions. Have a good week end.:D
Capricorn started on EE but is currently doing red. She has a carb curfew which seems to work for her, amazing losses!
ooooooooo ello ladies :wavey:

Dolphin -strangely enough I qualified as a chef when I was 18 ;)(just never did it as a job) -hence the love of all things foody and no doubt in part to blame for my size when I started SW :giggle: (well that and being a lazy a** :eek:. ) I adore cooking, but now I just make "tweaks" -I have however given up baking cakes n pastries for now as they only get eaten because they are there :copon:. Im good at cooking -but GREAT at baking.... especially bready items:sigh:
When I get back to the UK -which should be the end of this year or early next -one of the first things I plan on doing is looking into being a consultant -Im threatening to take up residence in head office if they say NO :rotflmao: and I can because I live quite close (Im in the Midlands) :sign0151:

The shopping thing with me I have finally cracked -well junk wise I have. I figured out ages ago that as long as I could get out of the supermarket without XYZ in my trolley I would be fine -now if it came home with me then I wouldn't like its chances of survival :D, I have been doing this for so long now that Junk really doesn't even occur to me when I shop :happy036: -since I started SW I haven't had any -bread, pastry, crisps,sweets, chocolate (apart from fibre plus bars) or anything like that BUT for me it has been much easier to go "cold turkey"as I now can't remember what they taste like -had I tried moderation I think I personally would have struggled much more -although I appretiate that it wouldn't work for everyone ;)

I was a carb Junky so I never allowed myself to have unlimited carbs so Green/EE isn't always of benefit to me and I have found that by reducing my carbs I feel much better.
As tatws says I have done EE but I much prefer green/Red days as I like 2A+Bs and now I pretty much do all red days with a carb curfew (I don't have carbs after lunch time)-its something I decided to try and it really suits me. I now use my heBs up on porridge oats/weetabix, all sorts of beans/lentils and an occasional crisp bread. I haven't touched bread since I started SW -so over 1year now aas I knew it was my biggest trigger-made worse by the fact I never have shop bread I have always made my own -and I couldn't be sensible with it :eek:, I cut out pasta not long ago as I found it was giving me stomach cramps -I think its flour/gluten related as bread did it too, and when I do a rare green/EE dday I will sometimes have rice -but to be honest apart from my home made egg fried rice or chicken n chorizo chicken Im not much fussed with rice.

I think I make it sound like Im cuting out lots of things but nothing that my body NEEDS really and nothing that Im missing. Right now Im doing lots of tweaking -once I made sure I was in the right place in my head with SW and that I could stick to it -I have started changing things around as Im now trying to get my body as healthy as possible rather than mainly concentrating on just shifting all the wobble - so I have a book by Jillian Michaels (a trainer on biggest loser USA) and Im trying to use some of her ideas whilst sticking to SW -so I still see SW as my foundation but the slight changes seem to suit me better...

God I do ramble :rotflmao: -feel free to come and chat any time you like ask anyhting you like -although I can't promise that my answers will make sense :D
I hope you are getting on well with Lipotrim, although from your statistics I can't see you needing it for long as you aren't that heavy are you!!

Well folks I came on to change my meal plan *kell surprise*:p
28g oats (B)
activia (2.5)
mixed berries

hm ox burger
onions+cucumber in balsamic
tickled beetroot
tickled cabbage




2 boiled eggs
avocado (6)
*as above*

500ml semi (2 x A)

I swapped to pineapple for my snacky as I could hear it calling to me from the fridge and it would be rude to ignore it :giggle: -so I am missing 1HeB... but I will let myself off :p
Then as hubby is having his pizza -I decided I didn't really fancy steak so Im using up the 1/2 avocado from yesterday with chucky eggs nomnomnom
so I should be at 2A+1B and 8.5 syns
I have hubby 2 big cobs to have with bacon tomorrow -apparently he is having 1 for brekkie and taking the other with him wrapped in foil for the walk round the golf course :confused: - and I have enough dough that Im going to split in 2 and make 2 pizzas -Im making them just slightly smaller than his usual 12" I do him and "hopefully"1 will survive for him to take for lunch on Monday (although I doubt it)

oooohhh and we got 1.5hrs in at badminton -I still didn't win a game but heck I played some good shots -the closest I got was 18 points to 21 -not bad for my 4th attempt :clap:
Hubby reckons I have "found my sport" -I must admit I love it and for a big un you see me shift :woohoo:. Whilst we were there hubby showed me how to set up the stepper again as I figure its about time I started varying what machines I use -so Monday could be fun n games :eek:
Well its weigh in for me in the morning so :cross: that the scale are kind
Right I will at last "shut up"
Have a great evening all and keep up the great work!!!
ooooooooo ello ladies :wavey:

I hope you are getting on well with Lipotrim, although from your statistics I can't see you needing it for long as you aren't that heavy are you!!

I will be reading your diary on daily basis I may use some of your ideas and incorporate them into my own Maintenance Plan when I get to that stage. I've lost a stone on lipotirm but that's not all fat burnt off, most of it is, glycogen and water. As soon as I start eating normally I will put all that back on, so it's in my interest to continue till such time I am 2-3 stones lighter if I can last that long without losing my hair.
You are managing your weight loss healthily over a period of time whereas mine is rather drastic, I don't have much time as I am on a waiting list for an operation. I would like to lose as much as I can before going on that TABLE.
Lipotrim is initially only available to those who fall in the obese category. I think my weight now is similar to yours about 13 st 3 Ibs ; I will come off it when I reach 11st 10 Ibs. then I will maintain by way of SW.
I don't think you will have any problems becoming a consultant for Slimming world, just show them this diary and they will be falling over the place to recruit you. With your cooking skills why not open a restaurant for SW dieters, I am sure it will pull in crowds in Midlands. Lol!
Hi Capricorn - Good luck for the morning.

I also love badminton (as does dh) I won a few trophies as a kid. Unfortunately it just seems so expensive to book a court etc at our local centre so we have never gone. Same as swimming, I would love to go swimming...but then in both cases it's the money and who would look after the kids etc etc...just works out far too much hassle.

Great discussion of NEED vs WANT - so wise and true! Best of all, I think that after a little while on plan enjoying lots of lovely foods, the things that you need become the things that you want - bonus!!!

Sounds like another great couple of days there for you Capricorn, you still remain a daily inspiration for me so thank you! Great day here, out with friends. Syns higher than usual but I saved them in advance and I'm happy that I made good choices and could be completely relaxed around lots of lovely options - result! Weather here is lousy though and I so wanted a garden & BBQ type couple of days - pah!
Gooooooooood morning all :wavey:

3lbs off for me this week :bunnydance: -so the "scale gods" were kind to me :p... just 1.5lbs now and I will get my 10st shiney :party0011:
Hubby "gained" 1lb this week -although being male he just accepts it -despite me doing the totally girly thing of -"oooh you won't actually have PUT 1lb on, but you had home made pizza late on last night-so it will be that" :p .... but he then completely :eek: me when he said.... "after I have had that pizza you have made -don't make me any more" :faint2: .....dear lord I think he suddenly really wants to lose weight :wee:. Anyway he has tootled off to his golf comp -so heck knows what time he wil be back -so Im going to meal plan, make another shopping list :rolleyes: -and then I think I will have a pamper session -I have all sorts of lotions n potions but they aren't doing any good sat in their containers are they :copon:

Im on my red carb curfew again ..that will look like this:-
  • 28g oats (B)
    [*]activia (2.5)
    [*]mixed berries
  • 113g lentils (B)
    [*]3 bacon (6)
  • melon
    [*]activia (2.5)
  • chicken breast
    [*]onions and cucumber in balsamic
    [*]tickled beetroot
  • 500ml semi (2xA)
So that makes 2A+B and 11syns Im looking forward to lunch -Im making a warm lentil n bacon salad :drool:

Dolphin -trust me I have tried just about every other way of losing weight and I DID lose but I was either "ON or OFF" a diet and never kept it off :copon:--I swore I would never put my body through it again -I did more harm than good -this time around something clicked and I really can't see me ever eating any other way :faint2:. Im sure you will be able to maintain once you lose what you want...

Mel -at the moment we are lucky because everything on camp is free (one of the reasons I have decided to take advantage and use the facilities:p), We are going to look into where is the best place that is near to us once we move -Im probably in for a shock :eek: ...I also plan on getting back into swimming -once I get to a size where Im comfy enough in a cossie :fear:
I never really played sports even as a kid :eek: so Im chuffed that I have found something.
It must be a struggle to get "me time" with 4 littles to see to :eek:,
Morning CherryPie -glad you had a good time -isn't it great when you know that with a bit of thought and planning you can still indulge a little :party0011:
You are right about the things that your body NEEDS becoming the things that you learn to WANT -I wouldn't thank anyone for a bar of choc or a packet of crisps now -but I would rip someones hand off for a piece of salmon, avocado etc. :p

Right I guess I should get off and catch up.... then get on with some planning...
Have a lovely day all and keep at it-we are getting there :happy036:
Morning Capricorn! :wavey:

Well done you!! Another 3 lbs off!! You are amazing!!! I bet you'll hit that 10 stone milestone next week (and go over it!) It's a shame you're so camera shy as the difference must be amazing.

I'm feeling much better but I just can't get back into the SW way of eating. I'm just eating what I fancy and what I hope won't irritate my stomach atm. I've decided I'll get back to the SW way of eating on Tuesday when I go back to work.

Have another good week and KTF!!

Lots of love, Trace xxx