You haven't seen how much salad I have :sign0151:Thanks, I suppose I could, but truthfully I am hungry at 'dinnertime' I think I really just need to find myself a nice supper that I could eat at about 8pm that way it should see me though. I kept some soup at the ready for last night, but for some reason I actually wasn't hungry last night. Most likely because we are all a bit sniffly here!
Doesn't look very 'filling' to me, your menu for today?? I'm sure you know what you are doing though
- and by far the worst(for me) Lipo Trim :9529:-we won't go into details about the constipation, bad breath etc :wave_cry:
Goood Morning all --but I realised that its "eat as much as you NEED" and not as much as you WANT -------- and hope your op goes well!!
my red carb curfew for the day:-
ooooooooo ello ladies :wavey:
I hope you are getting on well with Lipotrim, although from your statistics I can't see you needing it for long as you aren't that heavy are you!!