Hi Capricorn! And everyone else!!! I've been a bit remiss with my postings just recently - it's cos I'm titivating the house in the hope that someone will want to buy it!! Normally I'd spend nearly all evening on the net, but instead I'm up and about doing things. I only want to move to the other end of town, closer to my Mum and kids, so not far at all.
It ws interesting to hear that some of you feel better on SW - I know I do. I feel all lethargic when I'm not eating the SW way, which isn't very often! Apart from today - it was my former manager's birthday so he brought cakes in and I had a big chunk of fresh cream sponge. OMG did it hurt afterwards!!!!!!! I had stabbing pains in my tummy, followed by general stomach ache and bloatedness. It's certainly put me off eating anything else like that in the near future!!!
I shall go now I've hijacked your diary - again!!!! Keep up the good work!
Nite,nite, lots of love, Trace xxx