Morning Capricorn!!! Wow!!!!!

5lbs off!!! Well done!!!! :clap: You go girl!!!! :happy096:
Your 5 a.m. walk sounds lovely, but waaaaaaaaaaay too early!!! Last time I saw 5 a.m. was when I had to get up to get a flight when I went on holiday last year! :character00255:
Well, I stayed the same this week. Not impressed!

Never mind, onwards and upwards! Gonna try more fishy meals this week seeing as people have been having some good losses. Hopefully that will shift the blubber and get me closer to target.:fingerscrossed:
No interest in my house so far, but it's only been on the market 4 days! Also it was the start of the school hols this weekend so I think people have other things on their mind. Having said that, there seem to be a lot of houses on the market and they're staying there for quite a while.

Oh well, we'll see.
Well, that's it for now! Going to have some Crunchy Bran and strawberries for brekkie ........... or shall I have a bacon buttie???????? I love this "diet"!!!!!
Bye for now and take care, Trace xxxxxxxx