Hi Capricorn
Ahhh, Starvin Marvin.... now I understand!
He isn’t with me today (yet!) so I must have bored him into leaving!
As for bananas, well it seems that I have an intolerance to them. I haven’t had any for ages but having started with them on my first few days of SW I noticed I had terrible pain across the top of my stomach under my ribs. I put this down to the new diet etc but then last week I had 2 bananas on their own (different days) and noticed the same pain about 20 minutes after eating the banana and the last one I had the pain got gradually worse and worse and lasted for about 4 hours:cry:
I have a latex allergy and I know I cannot eat avocado as it makes me really ill, I had been told that usually bananas have the same effect but have never had a problem until now. Soooooo, no more bananas for me
Mind you, anything not to have that pain again
There are worse things that I could be unable to eat! As for the chocolate, that was the first time I had wanted any since starting and just that one tiny 4 syn bar was all I needed. A miracle indeed
Thank you for the recipie, I will print it off and look at it after next week. I am off for a week in Anglesey to a cottage with my family - they dont know I am doing SW and I dont want to tell them unless i have to... too much "are you sure you should be eating that" or "how much have you lost today" comments that I could do without. I will see how it goes and will try to be 100% but I know we are going out for at least 1 meal so I fully expect to have put on something when I come back. That is ok, I knew about this when I started but I decided I would start rather than putting it off and starting after I came back... delaying it anonther few weeks and who knows I might have backed out and not gone ahead!
Right, best get back on with some work.
H2 x
Sorry to hijack your diary Capricorn, but I wanted to stick my oar in! Hannah - I have a friend who's allergic to latex, and she was also told that she can't have aubergine, and to be wary of banana, melons, kiwi, and chestnuts. Something to do with the body reacting to the proteins in the food/processing them in a similar way to how the body reacts to latex.
I found this bit of info whilst perusing the net:
"Latex-food syndrome
Latex allergy is caused by a reaction to a number of allergens found in natural rubber or latex. In recent years, the number of people with latex allergy has increased, particularly among healthcare workers and people with spina bifida, because they come into contact with lots of latex products.
Latex contains lots of allergens that are similar to the allergens in some foods. So people who are allergic to latex might also find they react to foods such as banana, mango, kiwi, chestnut, paprika, celery, apple, carrot, cherry, coconut, strawberry and avocado. This is called latex-food syndrome. In the same way, people who are allergic to these foods may also react to latex.
People with a latex allergy should be tested for allergies to foods that are linked to the latex-food syndrome"
Sorry if you've already been told all of this!
