Hiya JJ-you read all my waffle and are still awake -well done . Thanks for the lovely comments . Feel free to pop in whenever you want to..I'm always rambling about something *or nothing* :giggle: By the way -great name -I love Judge Judy :clap: Hope your weight loss journey is an enjoyable one Leelea-No I haven't tried that restaurant... may have to have a word with my brother and he can test run it for me ready for when I next go home :sign0151:. Good on you getting your BF to cook it for you... I freak if anyone is alone in "my" kitchen.. I hover around trying to think of reasons to go in there.
Well folks Im reporting in with a 3.5lb loss arty0049:-which takes me to just over 1/3 of the way there arty0011:....
My Fishy week begins today -so my meal plan looks like this:-
28g porridge oats (B)+1 ryvita*
250ml semi (A)
mixed berries
prawn + mango salad
salmon burgers (B)
lemon/garlic dip
sf jelly and berries (1)
100g vanilla quark (1)
250ml semi (A)
1tsp camp coffee (0.5)
1 kelloggs fibre plus bar (5.5)
So then that is my A+Bs used and 8 syns accounted for -but I need to pick up a few more along the way ....ooooh I might stick some peas and sweetcorn on dinner (Im ususally too tight fisted to use my syns on them-even though I have plenty).. So then -that is me sorted for today... Hubby is at a golf competition at about 1pm -so heck knows what time dinner will be! Im doing hubby the same veggies(and some potato) as Im having -but with lamb steak, so If he isn't in when I need dinner I will plate that up for him and nuke ith when he gets in whilst I cook the lamb steak ...well I can't be sat getting ravenous can I !!!!! right I had better get off and catch up with all the goings on... hope you all have a great day... and keep popping in ...it really helps keep me motivated -thankyou Keep up the great work everyone...
Morning Capricorn! :wavey: Congrats on losing another 3.5 lbs! :clap: You're doing so well!!!
Not much to report today, plus one of my cats (Jovi - can you sense a theme here?) is trying to help me! However, I wanted to tell you (and everyone else) about an incident at work the other day.
I was tucking into my SW quiche and pasta salad when one of the blokes said "Got a big enough lunch there? Feeding the five thousnd are you?" I was gonna politely explain how eating like that had helped me lose almost 2 stone, but when I saw the size of his belly I was dumbstruck!!!!! Who does he think he is, making comments like that with a belly like that??? I was sitting down at the time and he was standing up, and it blocked out my view of the rest of the office!!!!!!!!!!!! So I just said something like "Yeah that's right - and that file you mentioned is over there." He obviously thought his comment was hilarious, but I cetainly didn't!!!!
Oh well, I've calmed down now, but it still rankles!
Anyway, I'd better go and get my brekkie (Cruncy Bran with strawberries and skimmed milk) and get on with tarting up the house,
Just popped in and ........Wowww way to go caproicorn, well done hun.. its just falling off you now and you are certainly in that loosing zone, lots of hard work too with your body magic and really am pleased for you.
Have a fantastic "walking on top of the clouds day" xxx
Wow! Well done that woman!! :happy096: Capricorn I am in awe 3.5lbs is fabulous. Such a consistently high loss shows how hard you are working.
You have motivated me to get more organised with my meals and start making better use of all the free foods. I just wish I had your will power to stay away from the crisps and sweets.:ashamed0005: I do have teenagers in the house which is trying at the best of times, but the amount of carp they bring in makes my kitchen a dieting minefield. Still no one forces me to eat it I manage that all on my own :feedtroll:
Better go look through my cupboards and freezer and plan what I’m going to have this week. Catch you soon, JJ
However, I wanted to tell you (and everyone else) about an incident at work the other day.
I was tucking into my SW quiche and pasta salad when one of the blokes said "Got a big enough lunch there? Feeding the five thousnd are you?" I was gonna politely explain how eating like that had helped me lose almost 2 stone, but when I saw the size of his belly I was dumbstruck!!!!! Who does he think he is, making comments like that with a belly like that??? I was sitting down at the time and he was standing up, and it blocked out my view of the rest of the office!!!!!!!!!!!! So I just said something like "Yeah that's right - and that file you mentioned is over there." He obviously thought his comment was hilarious, but I cetainly didn't!!!!
Oh well, I've calmed down now, but it still rankles!
Oh Trace that's awful. Some people just don't think before they open their mouths. Still you'll have the last laugh when you reach your goal and he still has a belly that blocks out the light
Chin up girlie. You've got cheer leaders here to help you alongarty0011:arty0011:arty0011:arty0011:
Hi Capricorn- well done on the weight loss, you steaming along now!!
I think I am going to do a 'red' week next week after my parents leave as they seem to be doing you the world of good! Also.. I am thinking I definitely need a Nintendo wii now!
Anyway was just dropping in to say really WELL DONE!! You must be chuffed
Well done Capricorn! Over a third of the way there - must feel fantastic to know that you've achieved so much. Is that a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel? Hope so - but make sure you carry on digging!!!! x
well done hun that is a great loss.you are doing so well,you must be so pleased with yourself.
good luck with the fish week.as always your meals and menus look great.
Afternoon all ,,,,, Lots of visitors :bliss::thankyou:.... see -you little lot keep me busy rattling and THAT keeps my head out of the fridge :giggle: and thanks for the lovely comments all of you ....
Trace -if you had been quick (or mean) enough -your response to "are you feeding the 5,000?" would have been "well you are obviously eating for them" ...Cheeky sod, although perhaps if you had been BIG he wouldn't have said it...so technically you could take it as a compliment ,,,, see -he was probably wondering how someone so svelt could eat so much :happy036: Hope you have a good week Nikki -hope your week is going well...not long to go until your holidays now :character00238: JJ -I Know that I have the advantage of having no excuse to keep crisps n stuff in the house as there is only me n hubby here and he rarely eats "gubbins" as I call it ...he is actually a ryvita addict :silly: and so his munchies are generally ryvitas n cheese. I know myself well enough now to know that all I need to do is get out of the supermarket without any naughties and then Im safe -cos if I buy it Im sure as hell gonna be eating it . I would have to be seriously desperate if I wanted any as its an hours round trip on foot to the nearest shop The one thing I do keep in is a few cereal bars -but they don't bother me. Claire -I started off on EE -but swapped to red days for a change, and now Im sticking with them -they suit me just fine as it helps me keep the carbs under control plus I get 2 A+Bs -which means I get to have iced coffees :7834: (thanks to eternal flame who introduced me to them) Spanx -don't worry Im still gonna be digging hun-got a long way to go yet-but I have my mojo -and Im hanging on to it:cross: Thanks Surreygal -I think I should enjoy fish week -but we will see. If its ok I might do alternate weeks of red and red fish based ....or perhaps just one fish week a month..
Well I have had my brekkie (still my fave one) and my lunch -which was nice and quite a revelation for me as I NEVER have fruit with savoury stuff *in my head it just doesn't go* -but it was ok....okok -so I pulled the mango to one side and ate it first -THEN ate the rest but I tried
I have to say it stuffed me to the gunnels -I really must stop making such monster salads..I swear I could stick them on the table and share them
ooohh I got hubby to take another photo yesterday *god I hate photos* but I have to say at least I can see a difference ... still an awful lot of work to be done but Im on my way I guess. Im not brave *sadistic enough* to post photos yet but I will do one day -see I have given you plenty of warning Right I guess I should stop rattling on (yeah right) Hope you are all having a lovely day...keep at it folks and thanks for the support it really helps...
Well following your good example I have written out a menu plan to take me to weigh in on Wednesday night. I have concentrated on mainly red days as they seem to be working for you. I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm considering starting a diary and that way I'll be accountable to everyone here. Do you think it has helped? :hmm:
I also need to fit in some exercise somewhere just don't know where. I think I need a few more hours in my day AND sitting here reading all the posts doesn't help. It's not raining at the mo so think I'll go take my son out for a push (he rides, I walk)
JJ -ooohh yes -keeping the diary on here has really helped :thankyou: to everyone who visits. I find it makes me think about things like what my meals look like more -Im terrible for things having to look right on my plate anyway -but adding piccies here means I can't get sloppy ...don't want folks thinking I catapult my meals onto the plate . Also it means if I have a good/bad week I can look back at what I did and see where it went right -or wrong.. I often come on to do a food update and end up having a right ole ramble about allsorts *don't pretend that you don't all notice* :giggle: Plus if you write a diary -I have somewhere else to snoop :sign0151: -(and that goes for you too Trace) I have become an exercise addict *still can't believe I can say that*.... in fact today is my first attempt at a "rest day" -but trust me its driving me crazy... but I know you are suposed to have them so your body recovers and then works harder next time...
well my fish cakes are in the oven and the veggies on ..so not long until dinner time now Hope you start that diary...go on -you know you want to
Hey Capricorn,
Well done on a fantastic loss that is soooooo brilliant and well deserved! 1/3 of the way there is awesome.
Well my week of challenges is going well so far, although OH commented last night that it feels at times that we are "eating for the sake of eating" to get the 10 superfree and at least 5 syns in every day. Usually it's no problem eating 10 superfree, but it's funny coz if you don't plan, you can find that they are easily missed off. i doubt with your monster salads you'll struggle I'm using your meal plans as my inspiration to up the superfree.
Feeling a bit rubbish today - really tired. Hope i'm not coming down with something coz I've too much work to do. Think a nice pot of coffee will help.
Have a great evening everyone x
Mrsmitch -Im doing red days so I concocted the fishcakes and they were:-
Fish cakes
makes 4 cakes (2 portions)
396g potatoes in their skins (heBX2)
1 skinless, boneless salmon fillet
1 portion white fish (about the size of one of those you get in butter/parsley sauce
2 spring onions-chopped
1 egg
I steamed the potatoes and left to cool slightly -peeled the skins off and mashed them up with plenty of seasoning
steamed both pieces of fish and flaked into the potato
threw in the spring onion and plenty of seasoning
cracked in 1 egg and squished with my hand
shaped into 4 burgers -they were about 150g each
then I stuck them in the fridge-I left them over night so they were lovely and firm to handle
to cook them I put 1/4tsp oil in a non-stick frying pan and coloured each side, then transfered to a medium hot oven for about 20mins until golden and cooked through..
I was doing them for 2 -so it was just 1 heB and 0.5syn for the oil (you can always use spray)and if you are doing EE you don't have to measure the potato so accurately either and you can stick some sweetcorn in there mmmmmmm
The were really nice -next time Im going to shove parsley in them and make parsley sauce to go with them. I have 2 to cook for lunch today
Hiya giblet I must admit I make monster salads .... I don't think my "5 a day" is ever in single figures-but you are right, If I didn't plan lunches etc then my veg intake would drop so I have to make myself make salads etc -even when Im not that hungry, Im trying to make myself use as many syns as I can this week -I really struggle usually as I don't need them. Hope you have woken up feeling better this morning...have a good week!
Well folks -yesterday I managed to use my heA+Bs AND 10syns ....well its still not 15 -but its a lot closer than I usually get, AND I had my "rest day" too -it about drove me nuts.... Righty ho -my meal plan for today is:-
2 eggs -scrambled
red pepper
smoked salmon
Fish cakes heA+(0.5)
SF jelly (1)
chermoula fish
1/4tsp oil (0.5)-stir-fried:-
red/yellow pepper
sf jelly (1)
50g vanilla quark(1)
250ml semi (A)X2
2tsp camp (1)
1 kellogs fibre plus (B)
Now -that will use my A+Bs -but only 4 syns... so I will look at adding to them as I go....
We are nipping to pick up a couple of bits tonight (Im out of fibre plus bars ) and I want some more water... So I might pick up some of my super creamy yogurts -they are 8syns each so that will make using my syns up easier well I don't know how this week will go -and I have got hubby to shove my scales in the car -to stop me "scale hopping" ...its odd because I hop on all the time -but it never affects my mood -up or down -thats what bodies do-all day every day -but it has become habbit.. well I wanted this week to be a suprise -so in the boot they have gone . I will still be using my wii -which does weigh -bt its not very accurate -so I can ignore that..
Right I will get of and have my brekkie and then get some time in on the wii Have a great day everyone -and lets hope this week is a good one
Well what a lovely day it has been too My meal plan go re-jigged .... I had my brekkie as planned -but was that stuffed at lunch time I couldn't face another warm meal -so I had salad with crabsticks, Then I had my fishcakes for dinner with home made potato wedges and peas...and instead of having a fibre plus bar -I tried a new yogurt I picked up earlier,,, like a muller crunch corner, but only 4 syns the one I tried was strawberry yog with little chocolate cornflakes and I have a vanilla yog with little toffee balls in So I have finished today having stuck to fish and having had 2Bs+1A (might have the other later) and I have used 9.5 syns *arty0049:go meeeearty0049:go meeee* ...well its more than I usually manage.
I had a revelation earlier -I picked up a couple of Young's fresh haddock fillet in bread crumbs (they were whoopsed ) thinking they couldn't be that bad could they!!-WRONG -8.5syns for 1 fillet -so I did hubby one and stuck the other in the freezer -I stuck with my free fishcakes -Just shows where stuff is hidden doesn't it!!!!!!
Now I don't know if anyone is feeling brave enough but I have added 3 pics to my profile.. I haven't managed to load my real bad "fat photo" yet (the scanner is kerput) -anyway I have one from may/june and July -I still have masses of wobble to shift but I can see a bit of difference Im planning on getting hubby to take a pic every month.. Make sure you don't go into the pics on a full stomach Rigth I will get off and catch up have a great evening everyone
Hi Capricorn, I have just looked at your photos (and I wasn't afraid at all, not one little bit, so !) - you're looking fab lady! I don't know about 'a little difference', more like 'one hell of a difference!'
Thanks Spanx... Im only brave enough to post shot with my head lopped off I can't believe I even stand anywhere near a camera *they are the tools of the devil*