Sounds like you've definitely got your head back in the game hun - planning and prep is the only way forward!
I always think slow cookers are great for this - you know something yummy and hot will be waiting for you when you get home

I'm getting there!
Totally agree about slow cookers. I didn't have one until a few years ago, but now I'd be lost without it, especially in winter when what I want more than most things is a nice hearty stew to stick to my ribs!
Monday official weigh-in: 11 st 0.8lbs
Down a pound, so it's going the right way
Last week has been a struggle, not gonna lie! I've been hungrier than normal AND experiencing more cravings too, which is a pretty tricky combination. I managed to stick to 1600 for 5 days, but confess that the weekend got away from me a little and I ended up over 1700 both Saturday and Sunday. That's still under maintenance, so it's okay, but it's not quite the deficit I was looking for. Hey ho. There's always next week!
I guess the important thing is that in spite of my post-Xmas food hangover I ate pretty much according to the schedule that's been working for me this past year, so I am at least back on the rails, albeit a bit wonkily! I'm making sure that every food day contains a balance of stuff that's nourishing, stuff that's filling and stuff that's just downright
fun, and that's what will keep me right, hopefully.
Exercise has been going okay, though I've had one or two muscular niggles that have hindered me a bit. I was hoping to get back to burning a solid 2000 cals per day (per my fitness tracker), but I've only managed it a couple of times since 1st January, and I'm hitting the low 1900's most days, so I'd like to address that sooner or later. Some warmer weather fit for walking/gardening would be helpful, so I may be waiting a while...
The Xmas goodies are slowly being depleted: just 2 small slices of Xmas cake left, the wedge of Stilton (unopened - wonder if I could freeze it?) and 2.5 boxes of chocolates. My best aid to moderating these things seems to be to keep them out of sight and/or awkward to retrieve - if I have to get the step ladder out to access a food item, I most often can't be bothered to do that on the spur of the moment, so I end up passing on it...laziness FTW!
Anyway, must get on. Have a good one, folks!