Welcome back! We spoke before, I've just changed my name

I too was struggling with the snacking.
I'm trying healthy eating atm, but years of CC are still helping as it's making me more aware with what I'm choosing. I'd still like to shift another stone but I've just had enough of counting. I aim to swim three times a week (breast stroke for an hour each time) which I know burns approx 600 calories. I really need to be more active on the other days, I'm just struggling as I'm currently job hunting and it's cold outside. I did google earlier some good local walks, but I think having a tracker might make me more likely to get outside. Do you know if there are any good cheap trackers that count your daily steps and tell you how many calories burnt? x
Hi cynicalgirl, I remember you...lovely to hear from you too!
I'm afraid the only tracker I know about is the one I own, the Polar Loop wristband, and it wasn't especially cheap (about £45 on Amazon when I bought it this spring).
And although I love it, and it's great for general movement and cardio exercise, it has its drawbacks. For instance, if I clap my hands it will register that as steps even if I haven't moved. I've also noticed that when I'm tearing up cardboard for the compost bin it registers that as steps too - a lot of them! - so I take it off now when I'm doing that sort of thing. I wear it on my non-dominant hand (as you're supposed to) and it doesn't go bonkers adding phantom steps when I'm doing normal household chores (cleaning, vacuuming), but anything with a percussive action seems to fool it.
As for calories burnt, as far as I understand it, even some of the fancier trackers are ballpark at best. Because I track my food pretty accurately and weigh myself every day, I've been able to determine that my PL underestimates my calorie burn by 50-100 calories a day, so I can factor that in to my eating target, but I try not to think of it as gospel truth and give myself a certain margin for error.
Unfortunately, I think the most accurate are those with a heart rate monitor included, but they are the most expensive, so I won't be trying one
That probably hasn't helped you one bit (sorry!

) but that's the sum total of my knowledge/experience of trackers. Even with its glitches, I wouldn't be without mine because it gives me mini goals to aim for every day (1000 steps by coffee time, 3000 by lunchtime, 6000 by dinnertime, etc.) but I guess a cheap pedometer might do that, so maybe that could be a place to start?
Anyway, all the best for the job-hunting, and for losing that stone! x