Oh, so glad you enjoyed it!!! I'll bet most of that will be gone by Friday anyway. And even if you do have a bit of a gain at least it was worth it!
I'm dreading weigh in tonight, but still having my chippy treat after, no matter what the result.
How did weigh in go?
Oh I lost 1lb, thanks for asking. Not too bad I suppose. Have totally pigged out tonight though, I'll have it back on by the morning. Only got one more class in my countdown so I'll do my best this week. If I can lose 2.5lbs next week I'll get my club 10. Fingers crossed! Got a 5 mile walk tomorrow so hoping that will burn off some of my chippy...
Have a good evening!
Hey, that's excellent. I know I said it would probably come off quick but I didn't think that quick! Brilliant though, to know you can still have a treat now and again and not pay the price...
I did my 5 mile walk yesterday, then got home and went to bed for an hour instead of going to Tesco, so no food in and we ended up getting a Dominos. I really need to be more organised! Back on it (again) today - got a salad bowl for lunch with some turkey in it. Joy! I hate salad, but I'm punishing myself for last night...
Hope you have a good day
Hiya missus, how are you today? So far so good for me, although I haven't been to Tesco (still). So had to get another salad for lunch. Shoot me now!
Definitely need to get shopping tonight, it's cost me 7 quid this morning to get a salad bowl, some melon and ham and a yoghurt in the shop beside my work this morning. I'm fuming!
I'm just about alive this morning but physically incapable of anything,so on the sofa until I can't tolerate the noise of 16 yr old,13yr old & 5yr old anymore and then I will be in bed...really not sure how food will go today :/ I barely ate anything yesterday as my m.e crash began on the way to Birmingham.....sorry for the moan with hopefully be more positive tomorrow...hope you have a good day