back on it!!!!!!!!!!

Can we get straws and just suck out the woo woo.x

Indeed we can! Must have Cocktail Umbrellas and Sparklers tho! X
Thats a deal. How many woo woos would it take til we fell off r chair haha.x

After my Teetotal nearly 3 Months? I reckon about two lol x
Il pick u back up hun dont worry. Then we can go for a veggie curry.x

Can't be go for a Veggie Kebab, far lower in PP ;-) x
Yeh ok with r cocktail brollys in r hair and prob me carying my shoes haha.x

That's the way to do it! Pumps in your bag to change into and carrying your heels! X
lol u two have just took over my page with cocktails!!!
lol i wud love a blue lagoon right now!!! :p

Oops! Sorry Shez! X