Full Member
Hi Mia - wasn't online at all yesterday sorry! Home scales not working yesterday - so revisited gym first thing and they said I had lost 3lb by then. Better result but still not mind blowing! Stuck to diet til last night - then meal out with friends which I couldn't get out of - starting again today!! A few people have commented on how well I'm looking - so that's good. I definitely feel if you are feeling good you carry yourself more upright - you can of "act slimmer!" Determined to keep going. Have a reading group tonight which always involves a lovely supper and wine - my plan is to bring some sparkling water and sit as far away from the food as possible and concentrate on chatting rather than eating!
How are you getting on Mia and Libral?
Hi Patsy,
I had a dream last night about eating Kitkats! Woke up thinking "oh no I bet I'm out of.ketosis now!" then I realised it was just a dream
Well done on your weight loss! And I bet it was lovely getting comments
I have my first weigh in tomorrow and tbh.I'm dreading it. I have been.drinking about a pint of water a day and about 4 cups of black coffee. That's not even enough fluids for someone not dieting. Still will keep trying. I'm dehydrated I think so I've probably got water retention. Darn it.
Managing to sleep alot better on this diet too which is great!
Good luck with your supper this evening
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